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  • Hey Geordie,

    Thanks I just got up and am thinking what I have to do today...Ugh have to work in a bit. Yes flying ponies....teeheee I hope you're day is lovely!!!
    Heh well you know i does happen you know? :) Maybe research on flying ponies? :) No? :) How are you today? I am tireds.
    Yes. As I have AS too with the vision it makes it difficult to be what one thinks they should be because we have seen what true aunts and uncles can be like. I want to be that but I don't know if I ever will be able to be that for him. But as you say it is nice to be in a community of people that can shoulder through experiences together and learn together and share. I think its a wonderful idea. We are who we are good, bad, indifferent.
    yah I am in a similar feeling. I know as I am older than you are being 30yrs old I will probably never have children. I couldn't I don't think i could handle it. I barely think I can handle the one nephew I have that was just born. Though I love him dearly. I just feel nervous about being around him. especially with my vision.
    Thank you. I am excited. A bit scared, nervous about the whole thing. I don't really do young kids. I don't understand them and I'm afraid of being left alone with him. But we shall see. I hope I get over my nervousness and focus on how great it is. But I am excited.
    Heh nice picture by the way sorry I ditched last night without a goodbye my sister's water broke so we spent the whole night at hte hosptial while she had her baby. So I am now an Auntie. Yah the wig is not the one I wanted we shall see. I might try a different one or even a different size. I just I don't know... I might try combing out some of the curl. I love the flying pony. Pony pony!!!!!!!Pony!
    Yup not quite what I had in mind but we shall see. I am taking pics tonight I will post some for you later When I get a chance to take them :)
    Wings wings wings wings...pegasus...teehee fly fly fly...Aww well you are spiffy. I hope you're day was nice...everyone was crabby today work... but in good news my dollies wig arrived.

    I must say, I was very surprised to see that you changed your avatar and profile pic to a MLP pony.
    I thought you might like the website. yes that would be fun. But I prefer unicorns and dragons.

    I suppose all colors are good. I just Purple is my color.:)
    I am glad you are well. You should look into Pony Island its all ponies. But you have to pay to join or something. My friend is into it.

    Ahhh you would like my room its a nice dark purple, I have white furniture.

    heh yah now that purple is the main color though I always it had purple for me. I know people are using my color all the time now. Its no longer my color. Heh Blue is good too though.
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