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  • Squeek Squeek...Squeek. Hugs..thanks oh well I love that kind of grapes maybe we should make jam to go with our tea

    He looks like a secret agent pony. Teehee Ally would probably like to play with him. Teehe :)
    Hugs. Thanks Gerodie. I love the Pony time. You are welcome to your encouragement you deserve it. Keep it up! :)Thanks the dollies love hugs too.

    You are very sweet love. You always seem to know how to brighten a day. Its nice to be noticed sometimes. Especially in our lives where we tend to blend in and fade away. I find that I always lvoe your blogs. I love your passion for writing, your determination to pull through the crap and keep going. :)

    Awww you a nice pony. I hugs you very much. Thank you for your kind words but you are very valuable as well.
    You are an Uni-corn teeheee well I must say you make a cute pony. Maybe you should sprout wings and become a pegasus ?
    Awww I love that picture or so which one are you the unicorn or the pink one?

    Have a lovely day!
    Yup milk and honey is the best. I do say so myself warmed a bit. Though I love milk in my Chi.

    Hugs you back...'The dollies squee
    Tea and Jam, Jam and tea...teehee yummy. Hugs...thanks... You too Geordie! Happy thoughts rights? :)
    Yes Aillas said you guys has been drinking together.

    Um I love sparkliing juice.

    Thanks about the toe. It will heal eventually its just bugs some you know? :)

    Have lovely day.
    Now that is an old doll. That is pretty cool. I remember knowing some of my sisters friends collected the barbies and things but I always though that like the American Girl dolsl were cooler. I guess its because they were more close to what I like to collect now. :) Pony hugs!
    Heh...I love it. Awww I almost feel bad for making the pony squeek. poor thing... :( Hugs the squeeky pony)
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