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  • You are welcome. Oh they would like that. Ally giggles with happy, you know though that I have doll that is her boyfriend right? His name is Jasper. Teehee. You may dream of Ally all you want. Naps are good for the soul! :)
    Awww well you better take care of yourself. Hugs. Yes I see that you have lots of thing that you are doing. Hugs hugs...take a break and big breather but take care of yourself.:)
    Hey Geordie! Thank you I think you need happy days too. :) You doing good in school these days?
    Awww yup yup us to sentimental saps..teehee. But its nice. I actually released that my customers one coupl actually consider me their friend. I was confused but pleased. I guess I am actually likeable. :) who knew :) I wish you a lovely day as what I had. :)
    Actaully the beetles are kinda cool. I like the ponies by the way. Yes Friendship is a magical experience I wouldn't trade it for the world :)
    Yeah it's all good Geordie, how's things with you?

    Thanks for the smile by the way, so funny ; ]
    Awww Ally says thanks. I love that pony by the way. The skin tone is gorgeous. I want my native american elf to be that color. Its soo pretty. I just love skin colors. They are just lovely :)
    Awww hugs. Yes I do like it. It is rather comforting. Thank you so much for finding that.
    I am doing a bit better now. I just have to feel grounded. Hugs hugs. Thank you.
    Thanks Geordie. I kinda needed that. I needed to head back to the basics. Big breath. I love that music. You always find some very interesting good music. I love it there was one other that you found too that I just loved. :) Hugs thanks :)
    Its all good. I am normally here around 10-pm-3am. Usually. USA Central time. So I hugs you and tell you hi yo:)
    I am so glad to hear you are fine. I have migraine PTSD induced which sucks. So am trying to get out of my bleghed mood. Nice song by the way. Aww thanks I missed having you be around lately.
    I wish at times that I was but no unfortunately I look nothing like her at all....I will soon have a doll that looks more like me....but they are all me essentially in their characters at time :) How is geordie?
    That's just Ally all dressed in Aya's outfit. She stoled it from his closet. You know Ally she's always been my avatar and profile... :) Poke poke long time no pokes :)
    Awww scratch the puppies ears...good puppy...all ready for school...awww...Snuggle. I hope you had a good day!!!!
    I am so glad that you are enjoying school. Big hugs....I hope your day continues to be awesome. :) snuggle snuggle.
    yes Geordie let's have a party. Let's have a great big Aspie dollie party!!!!

    I hope your day is well!
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