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  • Hey Geordie...Nice kitties...sleeping...I did it was good. I hope you have a good night too and I will be on later sometime I am sure... Hgus!!!!
    Hi yah Geordie. Yup just lounging around with my baby nephew.

    Hope yours was just as good.:)
    Awww Geordie you make me blush...me not that important. Poke Geordie and chase after him to tickle him...:)
    Awww you guys.....I don't know about that...I'm just me...I'm not that important. Hugs hugs hugs hugs... biiiiiiiiggggggg hugs. :)
    Awww it kinda reminds of those cabbage patch dolls only smaller and a fairy or something? Heh you wanna see a dollie I want...heh check out this girl

    Oh Geordie,

    You are very sweet. Its nice to have people around that want to put others first there are many here on AC! I agree AC is a great place to learn so many things about cultures. Hugs. I hope your day was great! :)
    Yeah, it's too bad I don't have a dog to pet.

    That sounds refreshing, but the drinking age in the U.S. is 21 and I'm only 18. I'll travel to a foreign country and crack open a cold one.
    I know how fond you are of beer. :)
    Hey Geordie,
    Awww pooor tired Geordie. You did a lot of work so now its time to rest so you can be at your best for school starting. Its so odd to me how in different countries the school systems are soo different. But its odd in a good way. I love to learn about the way things work in other places. I have always wanted a machine that could take me to another country without them seeing me and just watch. Just watch and learn.

    Things have been all right here. I have been struggling with not being invited to a party that I used to get to go to because in October its the one year anniversary of not being friends with someone...I know that's weird.
    Aww well I hope your day was just as good as mine was. I am excited I have tomorrow off. What about you? Anything fun?
    Well you don't have to have just colours, you could just have a 'normal' hair colour, you can have leopard print dreads, roving dreads with flowers crocheted on, you could have my little pony inspired dreads :)

    Here's one of my favourite dread makers if you want to have a look at the varied styles/colours in the gallery section thecutealternative - - Gallery -

    or there is this one which has a bad pic of me on it (red and black dreads) Haggis McNoodle Synthetic Dreadlocks - Gallery
    Thanks Geordie it was so much fun. I am home now. I didn't get any pics though...I forgot my camera. but I did get a corset and it is pretty. I am so tired.:)
    Thanks :) You could always try dread falls as a temporary style. The dreadlocks are just braided in, I put them in for a week or 2 and then change for a different set. Or if I just want a 1 day style change I wear some dread falls.
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