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  • I obviously do already have a career, but after I get my degree in December I'm going to apply for a part-time job as an art therapist at a children's day program. This was my mom's idea but I think it's a great idea.
    I hope I’m not the only one who does things like this, but I buy packages of charcuterie cheese just so I can eat the cheese by itself. I never thought it was weird until someone told me it was.
    Thought this might be helpful info, since it's a lesson I had to learn the hard way: If you are friends with someone who makes you feel like less of a person, and you come away from spending time with them feeling bad about yourself, and they are benefiting from the friendship more than you are, let that asshole go. Life is too short to spend with people who treat you badly and no one should be unkind to a friend.
    I wish I wasn’t so annoying and insufferable to everyone in my irl life. I try to just keep to myself a lot of the time because most people have a short period of tolerance for my personality. I wish I was an introvert sometimes.
    Hey girl, what happened?
    Had to end a very unhealthy friendship today and I’m pretty bummed out because I did like the person
    Sorry to hear. Sometimes it's hard but all for the better. They'll find someone better suited and so will you! Sometimes we have to make the hard choices but I think you helped both of you.
    Just got home. This is one of the dresses I bought on vacation yesterday

    So feminine and extremely flattering. I love that blue, l just bought light blue sneakers. And the sleeves are perfect.
    Omg! Mariposa! It's a lovely and cute dress and fits you to a T!

    Light Blue is a hard color, it suits you so well. The details of lighter roses are quite unique and a little bohemian.

    Frill fluff fit!!! Yay!
    This is like modern day cinderella ♥️
    Perfect couple of days for a girls’ trip! And of course I’m up to my usual photography antics lol
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    You look like Thumbelina in that chair. :) And "Absolutely Juiced" sounds like a gym where people proudly flaunt their anabolic steroid use.
    I love the shark photo. That is something I would definitely do too.
    Pink Dog t-shirt, check
    Ponytail, check
    Grabbing drinks, check
    Taking funny pics, check
    Girls just want to have fun!:tropicaldrink:
    Our hotel room is so nice.
    Just spent the morning in the hot tub and now going shopping. I had to get one last trip in before the fall even if it is only a day and a half
    It's always nice to see boutique / independent properties put a bit of their own flair into their room decor. :-)
    Yes, it definitely is :) I absolutely love the wallpaper and I would definitely buy some with this pattern.
    It is indeed a boutique hotel btw, it's not a Marriot or a Hilton or anything but I think you already figured that out lol
    I have to be awake in five hours to go on a trip with my friend, and I didn't get much sleep. This happens so frequently that I'm just used to it now...
    More strange activity in my neighborhood. This time, cops looking for someone or something. Definitely unrelated to what I posted earlier.
    I feel like stuff like this is becoming a weekly occurrence.
    Many years ago driving home late at night I got stopped at a police road block, the police shone torches in my car and looked around then waved me on. I asked the police woman what was going on and she said they were checking vehicles for an escaped prisoner. I said "Oh, I thought it was a breatho.", she laughed and said "No, lucky aren't you?".
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    Is it a 'noisy' neighborhood?
    It wasn’t a noisy neighborhood in the past, but it’s gotten a lot worse
    Update on my neighbor: she was apparently in the hospital. Don’t know for what exactly but definitely something mental health related. She came home tonight and seems pretty out of it. I know she doesn’t like me that much but I’m going to offer to check in on her sometimes. If she doesn’t want me to that’s fine but I think I should offer.
    I’m embarrassed to go to the shops across the street from me now, because every time I’m in there with Enzo, the cashiers are like “Omg, the dog is back!” and they just gather around and act like my service dog is a tourist attraction. I’m there to buy makeup and clothes and groceries, please leave me alone.
    I’m always astounded by the lack of service dog etiquette possessed by the general population.
    He has a tag and he does have a patch on his harness, but I do need to get him a more formal vest.
    When people approach us in public with inappropriate behavior, I really can’t do much except ask them to leave us alone, and then I usually panic and leave.
    I bet getting that clearly marked vest would help a lot and then you wouldn’t even have to ask. For the most part, I’ve seen people stringently respect the vest.
    Enzo DEFINITELY needs a vest! People likely don't see a small tag and patch, and think he is emotional support instead of a formal service dog. Also businesses here in California are adopting policies of no pets allowed unless they have a service dog vest. I would hate to see you kicked out of a store due to a lack of a vest.
    I have a weird question. I have a next door neighbor (young person) who has not left her house in over a week. Her windows were wide open when there was a massive thunderstorm. I know she’s in there because the blinds are open and the lights are on. Would this be an appropriate situation to order a wellness check? She has some mental health issues and her ex came and took her dogs last week, for more context.
    I’m not going to be around much for the foreseeable future, and I’m still a bit backlogged on PMs, but I’m easier to reach via email or live chat/text so let me know if that’s something anyone is interested in. I’m usually around in the early morning, and after 5pm US Eastern time.
    Oh no :(
    I find myself pulling away from this site too. Kinda of back and forth.
    @Kirsty Feel free to send me a message anytime :) I do get back to everyone when I have the time.
    I'm not ignoring anyone, I will get back to private messages as soon as I can, I'm just a bit backlogged and SUPER busy today. I'm having some guests over (kind of unexpectedly) so I had to finish up work early and I've been doing a ton of chores. I'm sure there are other people here who are like this too, but I need my house to be spotless when I have people over.
    I know that feeling. Have a beautiful weekend, l wish it started tomorrow.
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