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  • One of my speakers, which was out of battery to my knowledge, just randomly turned on by itself, at 3am. Holy moley that is creepy.
    That is normal. It's happened to me as well. It's a mechanism which let's you know that you haven't switched it off. To avoid it in the future make sure it is switched off even if the battery is flat.
    Still getting use to layout. But l kinda miss the simplicity of our four year-old software.
    Sorry @Luca
    I didn't mean to post in your profile. I got lost in the forum aisle. Lol
    It’s okay! Lol
    Well hello, new site layout lol. A bit confusing since I’m on mobile right now and it’s similar to what (at least I think) social media apps look like, and I don’t use those. But I’ll get used to it! Looks more modern though.
    Hi @Satal , thank you for putting so much work into this update! Hopefully things will run more smoothly for all of us now :) Everything you do behind the scenes is appreciated!
    No worries and thank you for your kind comments. I hope that the change isn't too jarring for people. I appreciate it is a bit of an upgrade but we were running software that was ~4 years old and had a few security vulnerabilities so I wanted to minimise the risk of someone hacking the site and ruining it for everyone.
    I like the fact we have the same range of like, agree, funny, etc options on the comments section now.
    I’m always terrified that none of my irl friends think of me as their best friend or their favorite person :( They have said it to others.
    Yes, they are mostly NT. There are two in this particular group that I know are neurodiverse though, at least according to them.
    I have different groups of friends and most of them don't intersect because a lot of the people who are compatible with me would not be compatible with each other.
    The friends in question are mostly young adult females too, if that helps put anything into perspective. I'm 6 to 8 years older than all of them but I think our maturity level is pretty similar.
    Same here really. I haven't contacted any of them in a month now to see what happens since I tend to be the one to initiate conversations and meetups, and... no-one has contacted me.
    Someone said something really mean and made me cry so one of my girl friends offered to get me some food and come visit me. <3
    I was out with my friends all night. Because I'm an extrovert, this means that I'm now energized and will probably not sleep anytime soon.
    That's understandable. Since I'm still autistic after all, I eventually do experience social burnout too! But it takes me a few days of nonstop socializing, or a really big event.
    I know that. I call this "psychic exhaustion", which is different than "mental exhaustion" and "phyiscal exhaustion" IMO.
    Slim Jim
    Slim Jim
    Yeah I get "amped up" too, sometimes.
    I had a great time with my friends but one said something about me and they all agreed on it and it was kind of mean.
    Atrapa Almas
    Atrapa Almas
    And last but not least, the amout of talk allowed depends on the social possitions inside the group. A leader is expected to talk more and even propose new OK topics for the group, while followers and outcasts are expected to just follow and applaud.
    Atrapa Almas
    Atrapa Almas
    As you understand about dogs, you will probably find easy to see the similar human group dinamics.
    In this context I don’t think they meant you “you only talk about yourself” literally. It could be implied that you talk a lot about your special interests, and they might find it difficult to carry a conversation with these topics.
    I think I have actually lost about 25 pounds! My hips are still kind of big but I think that’s just how I’m built.
    New profile picture, but still me! Just a Pointer now lol
    Thanks Loren! :)
    I have a sticker with this same design. The artist who drew it was actually inspired by my dog! She asked for feedback for her Etsy shop and I told her I'd like to see a Pointer sticker, and she asked what Enzo looked like and decided to make a sticker that looks kind of like him :)
    How nice! Thank you for sharing that experience, and, nice that you have the sticker to enjoy. :)
    That's a really cute pic.
    I’m being (strongly) talked into purchasing a Treeing Walker Coonhound.
    Everyone in my life either leaves, or stops caring about me or starts being mean to me. Maybe I’m not good enough :(
    I echo what others have said, above, and would add - If we lived in closer proximity, you would be someone I'd wish to become great, lifelong friends with. I mean, of course we can be friends, here. But, I know not the same as real life, or what you're referring to. You are one of the loveliest people I've, personally, come to know.
    Thank you Loren, that’s one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me <3
    You are also one of the loveliest people I’ve ever met.
    Thank you, Luca <3
    The fact that my friend told me there was a July 4th shooting and I said “I’m not surprised.” :( This country will only keep getting worse.
    There are several obvious reasons that I don’t feel safe in America anymore.
    Slim Jim
    Slim Jim
    So much unnecessary violence. Humans do find it hard to get along. I've noticed. I'm not surprised either.
    Pretty much everyone who has come forward with testimony has not been taken seriously because this stuff just gets denied and swept under the rug and evidence is destroyed. The least I can do is share my story and share the stories of other survivors so people can at least ACKNOWLEGE that this happens.
    A few years back, I took a bit of a dive and read several of those stories (not through this link, but a similar site). Those stories were absolutely horrifying and the people running this stuff are vile. I am truly sorry that anyone went through that torture, you included. At the very least, you have shown incredible strength to keep going and make a good life for yourself.
    Thank you. I hope more people who suffered through this will continue to come forward and something will get done. No one deserves this kind of abuse.
    My parents are starting to admit how much they actually resent me because of my autism and how much they had to do for me growing up. :(
    I heard of a case where a couple adopted a severely disabled child nobody else wanted, apparently for community brownie points, then doused him with gasoline and set him on fire bc they eventually got sick of him. They tried saying that it was an electrical fire, but no dice.
    It seems like there is a subset of people who adopt disabled kids bc they want to be seen as heroes by their friends, then realize they're in too deep. Some will adopt MULTIPLE disabled kids. It's not your fault, it's theirs. That is no consolation, I know.
    Sending Dog V4 cold nose vibes to everyone.
    I have an irl friend who has started being really mean to me all of a sudden. It came out of nowhere and it’s making me really sad and angry
    Slim Jim
    Slim Jim
    Shes trying to establish hierarchical superiority. It's what chickens do.

    I think a clean house is a compliment.

    It's like calling somebody a nerd cause they outdid you on a test. It's silly.
    I would give you advice how to deal with other people, but I think I´m the wrong person for that : PP but I would speak with her directly and just say her that it hurts you and that she please should stop that. and maybe asking if something is wrong, if she is angry because of something.
    Dogs teach us to be clean. Because they can leave hair in a lot of places, so soon you want it nice. But they are so sweet, l could never say no to Enzo.
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