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  • Going to Six Flags in the morning for my friend’s birthday. I keep forgetting to post about important stuff because I’m so busy right now
    I'd love to know how you enjoyed that--and how your dogs enjoyed a day at home!
    If the best insult you can come up with for me is that I'm fat, then you have eyes. Congratulations.
    Going to be redoing my living room this coming week. Goodbye clashing interior design and eyesore secondhand furniture. This was needed.
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    You're kidding, you have a blue couch? :) I like those two and the chair in the picture. But they also have a big corner couch in the same color that I like, 6 seats, 3 on each side of the corner. It's a nice color, royal blue.
    Just ordered it today! :) Blue is my favorite color!
    Hope you can get yours soon!
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    A deep blue color like that limits the color use for the rest of the room I think, not everything matches a deep blue. But blue looks so nice. A royal blue velvet couch, that's the dream :) lol
    It’s nice to be back home and have the security that my doors and windows and my bedroom door lock and double lock and only I can open them.
    plus your dog army
    Hoping you don't have to check the same locks over and over as I do. At times OCD can be very taxing. But breaking one's daily routines can be taxing as well. Even when on vacation.
    @Judge I do check them a lot too :(
    Finally arrived at home. We'll see how sleeping goes tonight. At least I'm back in a familiar environment and can watch tv on my Firestick.
    Night 3 being scared and traumatized in the woods. I can't do this anymore so I'm going home tomorrow night. Thanks Google :(
    Yes. I figured that out. I went thru some stuff but it sounds not as horrible as yours. Mine is family and stranger stuff. I have a fear of flimsy locks on doors also. I also went thru phrogging. It's going to be on A&E on July 18th 9 or 10 pm. It's when someone is living in your house and you don't know it.
    That’s also awful :(
    You and l have a lot in common. Just pure horror in our lives. You are a sister from another mother. Lol
    Thought I'd be feeling better tonight after all that but I'm still terrified. My triggers subside in broad daylight but nighttime is a nope.
    Not Dog V4, a similar Dog who will be just as bonkers given time!
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    How are things going in the cabin, are you doing ok?
    Thanks everyone <3
    Thanks for checking in Forest Cat, I'm still not ok and I think I've had enough and will be going home tomorrow. Posted more about it in most recent status.
    I stumbled upon a synopsis of the plot of the movie “Midsommar” and I am alone in a dark cabin. I’m terrified.
    My friend also said Hereditary was much worse. But I will never watch either of them.
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    I also watched a movie called Sinister. That was surprisingly well made, there are some creepy kids in that movie.
    Hi Luca! You're up and about again then (or were)... Hi Europeans and good morning to you lot.
    Took forever to get to the hotel. Stopped in Freeport to get pizza and go to the giant LL Bean store. Got here at 10pm. Cabin has wifi tho!
    I’ve been driving for over 4 hours and finally 5 minutes away (I’m stopped at a rest area, not texting while driving)
    yes I make jokes and use irony, but they are meant with good intention and not to "do jokes ABOUT people." my intention is that people maybe laugh about that and think "that´s funny" and it´s just one part of my personality.
    and most of the times my jokes are not misunderstood and don´t hurt anyone, but yes sometimes they are/do and when I know that (because for example someone says that) I try to fix that for the future and after some time I know who likes these jokes and who not.
    ah you mean that "haha lol", I thought it was that "several girl friends." I hope now it´s more understandable.
    I had a great time tonight with my girl friends. They are seriously redneck lol. I get to re-do my childhood socially now I guess.
    that´s very funny. hits my humour.
    Device requires recharging and so do I! Goodnight! Have a good day, everyone!
    shaddock: it´s 2 pm here
    callistemon: I go to bed
    shaddock: bro, what´s wrong with you lol

    well, I know the time shift and so on : D

    wish you a good night and nice dreams : )
    Sorry for inactivity lately. I have a new group of girl friends and I’m talking to a guy. Not abandoning this place but making progress irl.
    Alright girl. Enzo is my guy. Lol
    Congratuations! You don't need to apologize for being less active here. It's fun to see your thoughts, but ultimately it's your life, and you don't owe us anything.
    It's allowed. ;)
    Not super happy with the results from the show today. Placed 3rd in owner/handler group. Definitely my fault.
    I think the challenge is to bring every interests together (your and the dogs interests) and to not expect too much from you both.
    I would never ask my dogs to do something they were uncomfortable with, and I make no money at all by showing them.
    Posting 3rd is really great. I am happy for you and your dog!! It seems that you always win. That is accomplishment. There should be several first places!! Judging is subjective also.
    People keep proving again and again to be a (mostly) evil species.
    That doesn't sound fun.
    sounds pretty brutal
    People tend to be how we think they're going to be. I don't think humans are a (mostly) evil species. Sorry this has been your experience. Some humans make choices that can make them seem that way. They will realise who they are eventually.

    If you always do YOU, without focussing on those who do it differently, you will always attract towards you more of those who are like you. Law of Universal attraction :)
    Three people have told me today (in the same group) that I’m too personable, extroverted, and socially appropriate to be autistic.
    I am also quite extroverted, and unless people know me well or are autistic themselves, they would almost certainly not guess I am on the spectrum. I am very active and was the president of a student organization while organizing and setting up a board game group. I also tend to introduce myself to people who are alone at a gathering, ask their names and so on which does not seem very autistic.
    I think it comes from always being alone when I was a kid at gatherings. Because I was very shy then, I would never speak to anyone though I wished someone would speak to me. I'm sure I annoy some people, but overall I think it is a success. When I started college, I also decided to put effort into learning everyone's names (which is something I normally suck at and never cared about).
    I have a new idea- instead of sinking a few hundred thousand dollars into a new house, I can just remodel some stuff in mine for time being.
    Without directly violating my housing contract, of course.
    I still think houses should be cheaper. Then you and a lot of people could buy them.
    Looking into buying a 2bed 2bath townhouse in a slightly less populated area in the same neighborhood. Not as rural as I like but an upgrade
    Omg. I will have to move next year, because money will be there. Just where? What size? Twilight years change priorities.
    Good luck with house hunt. Your children (puppies, because they never grow up) will love the new place. You are a success.
    I'm both impressed and grateful to hear this. Good for you Luca!
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