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  • I had a really bad day. I had to take a sedative to go to sleep and I didn't sleep until 1pm. I was in pain and crying and shaking all night
    Thank you :) Hugs!
    That sounds horrible, Luca. I really hope something can be done about this soon. I had crippling dysmenorrhoea as a young adult and it didn't get better until they curetted me. Then it was 95% better. All the over-the-counter painkillers and the prescribed anti-prostaglandins barely touched the pain. That kind of pain is miserable and I'm sorry you're going through that. Hugs.
    By the way, a friend of mine who was similarly afflicted said she nearly didn't make it to hospital on time with her first baby because she thought labour pain was going to be worse than what she had experienced all her life. And she says it wasn't...
    I’m actually being pushed over the edge. 1 hour of sleep due to health issues and then my parents gaslighting me. I can’t keep doing this.
    That's not good. Lack of rest makes it worse. Nap?
    Slim Jim
    Slim Jim
    See I would block my parents out my mind. I would end up really hating certain situations. They could be verbal tirade against me. I just would not react. Their words would mean nothing. I think it's what made me become so messed up.

    You could always try that. Just not care what they think say or do.
    I have been napping but now I have to go pick something up.
    My head feels so foggy. I wouldn’t wish chronic illness and chronic pain on anyone. :(
    My friend who I saw the other day (the one who has known me since I was 6 years old) texted me and said "You have such a beautiful soul <3"
    callistemon always acts charming and never stops complimenting other people lol
    I never stop complimenting people either, I’m just surprised when people do it to me! Lol
    It's not an act, @Shaddock, it's genuine. If I don't like something I am equally forthright. But I appreciate good things in other people and am interested in this world. :)
    There is a huge-ass spider loose in my house and I’m afraid to go to sleep. That hairy nightmare is the size of a quarter. I’m arachnophobic
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    I have heard that they are wiley and spend most of their time hunting roadrunners. ;)
    Beep! Beep! I always used to think that was someone's Fiat!
    That coyote comment nearly ruptured my diaphragm! Bwahahaha! Too far indeed! :)
    My dogs and my client’s Great Dane invited themselves to a cocktail party lol. My neighbors thought it was hilarious and let us stay.
    I’ve known my two best friends for a decade. That makes me happy. Some people I’m confident are always going to be in my life. I love them.
    Just got a call from someone l have known 4 years. Friends are nice.
    Good to hear you two are getting some nice social experiences with people you can love! ♥

    ♥ to both of you.
    Met with my newest client tonight. An absolutely beautiful Great Dane!!! And with the sweetest and gentlest temperament. But enormous!
    Thank you, that is beautiful and so sweet!! No one has ever named a song after me before :’)
    I’m honored!
    That's a very pleasant sound!

    One of my favourite songs ever starts with wind chimes, but it's the bass line that gets me over and over again.

    It’s 5:30 in the morning and I need to sleep but I’m overwhelmed and crying. There’s so much evil in the world. It causes me great distress.
    Octopus hugs to you & @cornman (or if preferred a polite bow). We do a fair bit of news fasting for mental health reasons, but you've got a Ukrainian friend and that situation is just so horrible, and not the only horrible situation in the world. Gollum needs to fall into the lava lake on Mt Doom, as should Sauron actually.
    Hugs everyone <3
    Empathy is one of my greatest strengths but also my greatest weakness.
    Sadly, so very true. A major reason I've stopped watching the news on a regular basis.
    Walked the most adorable chubby Labrador ever, a little while ago. I’ve never seen a dog’s tail wag so much. My dogs are obsessed with her!
    Obviously dog obesity is not healthy but Labs are kind of a hefty breed. I’m not going to shame anyone for having slightly overweight dogs tho because I’m not skinny myself and I know weight loss can be an uphill battle, and my dogs are in much better shape than I am LOL
    Quite how we keep Dog V4 at a healthy weight I have no idea. He's hypnotic when he looks at you. Trying to resist reaching for the treat tin is futile....
    Omg. I’m in tears. Enzo scored a 200 today (perfect score in obedience.) The judge said he was blown away by how well he performed.
    @Callistemon My best friend is the breeder of this one actually, lol… the racist lady is Chesca’s breeder (one of my female Dogos)
    No, I meant the toady breeder with her comments on your needing to have your dogs handled by a so-called professional. Not the breeder of the dog you've done well with this particular instance! That guy doesn't need to stick anything where the sun don't shine. But Ms Toad actually already sounds as if she goes through life with a coathanger up her posterior orifice...
    And this may indeed be a useful image for you to keep in mind for any further professional dealings you may have with her.

    Sorta like the trick for dealing with boggarts in the wardrobe. "Ridiculus!"

    JK Rowling knew what she was talking about! ;)
    I have about a 1 to 2 hour window to get any sleep so I should probably at least make an attempt :/ Or I could nap in my car at the event.
    I’m sick of people saying I’m exploiting my dogs. What a horrible thing to say to someone about the most precious thing they’ve ever loved.
    Tell me where to send your fee to. Lol
    Lol, there's no price for advice! ;)
    It definitely isn't inhumane to use a spray bottle! Some dogs just may be afraid of it so it only really works for confident dogs that are ok with water.
    I wouldn't advocate for any of the more aversive/negative methods of training dogs. Using inhumane tactics to train dogs increases the risk of fear-based aggression (and is just mean! :( )
    Thank you. I didn't know what to do but l needed to train this cute little female dog. She was so smart.
    I hate PTSD. I wish I could forget every bad thing that ever happened to me. But my brain likes to replay them when I’m trying to sleep. >:[
    So for many people, consciously re-processing those memories is key to getting the subconscious to stop re-playing that stuff, at least to the extent it's keeping us awake at night. Personally I came to think of it as being a safe support person for the little girl I had been, and actually processing with her the stuff she was throwing at me night after night.
    @callistermon What you mention is pretty much exactly how PTSD played out for my ex. She had violent and highly symbolic dreams most nights when we were together, then less than a year after we broke up something clicked and she started remembering (though she didn't want to). This had a really big negative effect on her, and I was quite worried, though she is luckily doing better now.
    Even though it is very difficult for her, she can at least work on processing what happened which was quite impossible for her while the memories were buried. I wish all of you the greatest strength and luck in handling your past. I know second hand that it requires an enormous amount of courage and resilience. I have the deepest respect for anyone in that situation.
    Enzo’s new favorite phrase is “stinky cheese.” He now knows exactly what I mean when I say it. It’s just white cheese but boy does it stink!
    Aw, very sweet. : )

    I've had a good day, thank you, and hope you did, too, in spite of your injuries. I hope they heal very soon!
    Hi, everyone! I'm sure those bandages look quite fetching, @crewlucaa_! ;) I hope you all have a good evening. Gorgeous autumn day here and lots of gardening to do!
    Dog V1 learnt that the word 'Quick' meant that there were sheep in the fields we were passing. This was in the car & not when we were out walking.
    I just groomed a dog and I have bite marks on my neck, arm and hands from him attacking me. I finally got a muzzle on him. Sigh
    Oh boy. I love dogs but bites are a bit too much for me.
    I've been bitten a few times but 99% of the time it was me stepping over a 'boundary'. Dog V4 gets snappy when I blow raspberries on him or if he doesn't want his ears cleaned.
    Funnily, my husband doesn't like raspberries either and might bite me if I persisted, which would be a rude thing for me to do anyway. ;)
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