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  • The amount of trolls that have been on here lately has been triggering my PTSD and making me extremely paranoid.
    REMEMBER> If you come across something you find offensive or believe breaks the rules, report it to a member of staff using the report button. Do not reply to the thread. If you are having a problem with another member of the forums, you may contact a member of staff via Private Message about it.
    Thanks tree. I will report it the next time I see something.
    @Judge I also highly doubt that it's a coincidence...
    @Aspychata and @maycontainthunder Thank you for your kind words :)
    I still owe you some Bull Terrier photos, MCT! And Aspychata, thank you, I sometimes worry that I'm too much for everyone but I really appreciate you saying that :)
    I wish I could afford a boat.
    They're children's boats, so you probably won't fit, but you could probably find a small adult dinghy at a reasonable cost. I don't know what they cost because I sold mine back in 1982 and got $600 for it on re-sale (but it had a new sail). The nice thing about buying second-hand is that if you look after the dinghy, you can recoup the purchase price if you decide to sell it.
    If you don't want something fast, these things are usually reasonably-priced, and if you can put it on a roof rack (may take two people to lift) then you don't have to worry about storage fees, or the huge mooring costs of keeled boats and getting those in and out of the water...
    ...and if they're fibreglass they're low-maintenance, and you store them out of the sun, in the garage etc, for long life.
    I’ve been a bit quiet today. I’m okay, just getting stuff done around the house that I hadn’t gotten around to over the weekend.
    My neighbor’s dog keeps going after my dogs. I hate to do this, but one more strike and I’m reporting it.
    Has the dog been trained? This is a tough area. I would hate to be in that position. But you are an expert. You understand the danger.
    The dog is obviously not well trained. I’m going to have to put my big girl panties on and talk to the owner.
    Pity you couldn't contact Cesar millan in l.a he specialises in this problem he could find the dog a home
    I fell asleep at 8pm last night. I’ve been getting up at 7am for work almost every day and I’m exhausted. I have a client at 8am today.
    I’m worn out from today.
    @Loren, I think that's to do with either refresh rates of web pages, or things getting to the forum website from various places via different routes. When two people post around the same time then they may be unaware of each other's posts until they hit "refresh" etc. Catches me sometimes chatting to people on the profiles! :)
    Ah, that makes sense. Thank you for explaining it! :-)
    I’m ok everyone :) Just a busy work day and also met up with the girl who has my dog’s sister from the same litter :)
    I napped a lot of the day and just woke up at 4am after falling asleep quite early!
    Um, why are there drunk people wandering around at 7am? At least they appear to be drunk.
    There is no "last call" for alcohol if one is an alcoholic. It's just a matter of where to find it.
    Zombie Apocalyspe? I am inordinately proud of myself that I am able to spell that word btw. ;)
    @crewlucaa_ apparently your bars and taverns close about 1am ,ours close 11pm ,it changed in the 2000s to have a possible 24 hour licence, it wasn't popular ,it largely stayed at 11pm last orders are 10:30 pm but a lot of pubs closed permanently in the last 25 years,cheap alcohol from supermarkets,alcoholism is a big disease in the uk
    Because I love ethnic music so much, my friend wants to teach me to play accordion and sopilka. So there’s now an accordion in my livingroom
    I’ve heard a lot of awful things about the NHS :( We have issues with healthcare here too.
    Its never been perfect it never got the funding ,various governments have damaged in different ways they lie !and say its up to your area the pandemic proved how bad its treated threatening staff who talked to the media
    Insomnia again :/ I thought I had kicked that after I started sleeping better in January and February, but I guess it was short-lived :(
    Thanks Streetwise. I have a therapy appointment today so I’ll bring it up as an important thing to work on.
    Have you ever been tested for sleep apnoea there are different reasons for insomnia
    I haven’t actually. But that’s a good idea
    Can you ask your polish friend :), if they know anyone who can read fluent Ukrainian and is good! at coding ,the internet archive are trying to save Ukrainian archives ,websites ,before they are destroyed, they need volunteers to look for them, its a race before they are destroyed here's the link https://www.sucho.org/orientation this
    is one volunteer group, they tell you everything! on the site
    Do you feel unnerved when you look to the right on a profile page it says is not\is following!!!!! you!!
    I kind of mostly ignore that stuff - to me it's more important to interact with people in a friendly manner, and then that speaks for itself - when you do it, and when others do it. I notice. :)
    @Callistemon I'm not the social media generation ,following is stalking to me
    Ah, OK. Well, I don't do social media either, but I think that's just how people on social media decide what they want to hear and what they don't. But to me it's too shallow and you can't have a good conversation, and it's too airbrushed. :)
    Enzo has discovered that he loves tennis balls. I played ball with him in the yard and he was interested until he saw a female Collie. Lol
    I don’t know the person who owns the Collie. She is new.
    Collie broke his heart. Too sweet.
    Maybe you & the collie owner can end up friends; that'd be pretty cool.
    There’s a group of random teenagers knocking on doors in my neighborhood. I was outside and they were making fun of me.
    Sorry to hear about that, I really can't understand that kind of behaviour but it is so common. Is there anything at all friendly you can go to in your neighbourhood? Like a choir or a craft group or book club?

    Adding a hug!
    It must have, indeed, been scary. I'm glad to hear they'd gone, and hope all is well with regard to the dental work you had done. Thank you for the hugs. <3
    @Callistemon My neighborhood doesn’t really have organized activities but most of my neighbors are my dog walking, training and grooming clients. Lol
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