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  • I found a Dogo Argentino dog breed encyclopedia, but it is in Spanish. I don’t speak Spanish very well but it’ll be an opportunity to learn!
    They also offer Portuguese. Just checked. I can easily switch between the two languages also.
    @Aspychata I’m going to use Duolingo, thank you! My mom also told me that my town’s library offers a free subscription to a language program that has over 70 languages (including Shakespearean English… and “pirate.” Lol. She said the first lesson in Shakespearean is Shakespearean insults!! Lol!!!)
    Duolingo is probably better for what I’m trying to learn, though :) Thanks again!
    Excellent. So happy.
    Beautiful spring day. I’m about to go to work. Being a dog walker is more fun when it’s nice out! :)
    Of course!
    New England springtime is custom made for this sort of thing & I'm tired of pretending it is not.
    Alright. You sound better. Great news.
    Hope you had a great time out there! :)
    Taking all my dogs to Salem, MA, tomorrow :) It’s so much fun on Halloween but I love Salem all year round! And we’re having spring weather!
    There is so much fog here right now that I can barely see out my bedroom window. Pretty typical for spring here and I live near the ocean.
    I love fog! And in a month or so we'll be having lots of it in the mornings, as we get deeper into autumn here! :)
    Taking a short break. I will reply to private messages but would prefer to be contacted by email for the time being :)
    Look forward to seeing you, upon your return. :-)
    Thanks everyone <3 Like I said, I will be popping back in occasionally to check messages. I’ll probably be back in a week or two! :)
    Just having a bit of a mental health crisis at the moment. :/
    I’m not going to bother with people anymore if they can’t accept that my dogs come first.
    The Donkey Society has this sign you can get: "Love me, love my donkey!" :)
    Want to say thank you to my dog show magazine for showing so much appreciation for owner/handlers. We are just as important as the pros. <3
    An owner/handler is someone who presents their own dog in conformation shows and dog sports, as opposed to hiring a professional handler… I am a professional handler as well but I always show my own dogs.
    Check out Showsight Magazine if you are a dog person and want to read really informative and knowledgeable articles written by other dog people, and see portraits of beautiful dogs :) Some of my friends’ dogs have been featured in the magazine before.
    Thank you again for making me so welcome here, I feel quite at home already in such a short time! :) Very much appreciate your kindness, humour and general attitude and looking forward to sharing more stuff on dogs, life, the universe and everything.
    Thank you, that made me smile! :)
    I really enjoy you being here too :)
    Sorry for my stupid posts. My head is not too clear at the moment.
    Have a lot of recent experience. I take a medication with valerian and Hypericum perforatum extract. It also helps with anxiety and stress.
    You shouldn't take Hypericum perforatum if you are on the pill or other hormonal birth control products, it might counteract birth control.
    Unsurprisingly, I too say dumb things when I’m tired, emotional, anxious and overstimulated, take time out for yourself and readjust but I’m sure if stuff was written on the forum, that in this case no one is upset or anything.:)
    Its called emotional lability classically laughter or crying you should rest when you get like that however you rest!
    I’m really scared to talk about my mental health and medical issues. Our attitude towards mentally ill and disabled people is so hostile :(
    And it’s sad that I have to be this guarded about it :(
    I worry too & am starting to think a lot of autistics like to worry a bit more than is necessary--as a safety feature so people don't hurt us.
    Let's keep on keeping on, folks. All the best.
    Agree with all that @Gerontius has said.

    I think that it’s important to determine who you can fully trust. It’s for that reason why I now don’t tell people that I’m ASD or tell them other things about me. I fear the hurt and rejection. But you don’t have to let anyone know either, especially if you feel uncomfortable or worry about being hurt.
    How are you today? Would you be requiring some hypnotic sleepy emojis to assist with drifting off? :)
    I’m good actually! :) How are you?
    It’s not my bedtime yet lol, it’s 10:46pm here. I’ll reply to your pm in a bit :)
    Great to hear you're good. What, 10:46pm is NOT bedtime? That would be ultra late for us. :) Maybe you're descended from aristocracy. :) I got back to you rather late because I didn't see the notification, sorry. LMK if you ever want a sleepy emoji. ;)
    @maycontainthunder There is a Bull Terrier service dog in my class :) I can pm you some pictures of her
    Omg that is the most relatable thing anyone has ever said to me!!! :D
    I have a shelf full of dog breed encyclopedias and I have memorized every breed standard! Plus I could name every dog breed by the time I was 4… it really helped me pass my professional dog training certificate program and knowledge assessment!! (I am CPDT-KA)
    Don't you think it's funny that NTs snigger about little Aspie obsessions but cheer on the Olympic athletes? :)
    Yup :) And my special interest is helping me earn an income so I don’t care who makes fun of me about it :p
    Kodi thought it would be fun to put on a show for everyone in the new advanced class tonight. Funny but a little embarrassing. Oh, dogs… lol
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