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  • I’m excited about my new clothes. Waiting for my orders to arrive is tough lol. But I’m feeling a lot more body-positive lately :)
    My mom called me and said “You have a lot of tracksuits and leggings. I’m sending you $200 to get some new clothes.” :) :) !!!
    I know Valentines Day is pretty stupid, but I really enjoy cute things and I will be spoiling myself :p I don’t want to sit here and be sad.
    I have never seen this much snow in my life… I’ll definitely post some pictures!! This is amazing.
    I'd love to see that! I didn't get much snow this winter and had to drive up to the mountain regions.
    I posted one pic so far in the VIP lounge! I’d love to go see the mountains too :) I went on a mountain hike about a week ago but there wasn’t much snow. Send me pictures of the mountains if you have any :)
    We might get up to 42 inches of snow in my area tonight and tomorrow!
    You stay safe and warm too in case it snows there! I have a bunch of flashlights, a lantern, and I’ve charged 4 power banks lol
    My good flashlight is at the bottom of the creek! But I have some dry battery lanterns, matches, a lamp, and a tin cup for coffee. I also have the windup record player & the pump organ. If the power goes out I'll be walking in the snow & playing music in the dark!
    Try to stay at home until you got to--I was thinking I'd hit the road a bit, but an excursion to Red Hook is postponed until it's not frozen out. Let's see what comes!
    Is it weird that I want to look fashionable to go to a dog training class tonight? Lol
    There’s no one there to impress, it’s all middle-aged people training service dogs… I just don’t get out much. I decided on a shiny black and gold shirt, black skinny jeans, and a black and white denim vest.
    It's not a matter of impressing folks, it's about dressing to look like the kind of presentable you want to see in the world. Nothing wrong with what you're doing; the dogs will have to be trained one way or other so why not look decent while doing it!
    Appointment same as nearly always ,sucked dry literally I can peel slightly larger flakes of skin off
    What happened? :(
    There’s a lot of snow outside and I’m laying in bed in my pajamas watching tv. Just going to be an easy day I guess.
    I like cold better than wind it's going to be 43 up to 52 mph tomorrow I'm frightened
    That is scary! We’re getting a huge snowstorm here starting tonight :( Stay safe!!
    had a covering of snow in late November then nothing , keep thinking it snowed but it hasn't
    I’m a lot happier with my life now but I still feel like I’m missing something :( I’m still completely alone with no human company :(
    I know what you mean. I have one good friend out there but we haven't seen each other in a while because we live in different places. It's difficult to maintain long-distance relationships. I enjoy talking to you and other people online but it's not the same.
    Everything is more difficult with Covid too. The only positive side effect is that I see a lot of people suddenly who go for a walk or hike when I'm outside. People who'd never done that before.
    Sometimes those brief and friendly encounters can be uplifting too. If you walk your dogs, I'm sure you attract a lot of dog lovers.
    @crewlucaa_ right you are confused by the term plastic surgery it's called plastic surgery because certain substances are plastic in nature plastic in this context means they can be shaped to a certain form it's used for aesthetic surgery and also for emergency surgery, it was originally designed for emergency surgery
    reguarding suffering the will to live is incredibly strong whatever an entity suffers it's will to exist is stronger that is not down playing in anyway the suffering that it experiences, I have experienced different types of suffering but I have no control over the will to live
    I’m doing ok Streetwise, thanks :) Hope you’re doing ok too.
    @crewlucaa_ if you tried to have plastic surgery ,you will have to have mandatory counselling first, this is regarding breast reduction surgery , and is not in the category of being a baby,you will be anaesthetised which will paralyse you, that has nothing to do with being a baby.
    I meant I was being immature about putting it off… but it’s not for aesthetic purposes, I actually have breasts that are way too large and causing issues.
    Just woke up to a snowstorm! Yay! :)
    I'm jealous. All we get here is a couple of inches which is gone in a day!
    Aww :( You’re in the UK, right? From what I’ve heard from others it doesn’t seem to snow a lot there. Where I live we often have below-freezing temperatures in the winter and it snows fairly often. I’ll try to upload some photos later!
    Look forward to it! Don't forget the pics of your dogs looking for the 'ball' you threw that they can't find....
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