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  • So glad l quit working. My life just feels a little smoother. I do errands when l want to. Cooking more and relaxing more.
    Oh dear. I ate little because l ran at gym which requires an empty stomach. Then l ate healthy chips and hard boiled egg.
    What did u eat?
    I had pasta and vegetable soup last night. Not sure about tonight but it’s 9pm so should probably make something soon. Hope you had a good day :)
    I have been a member here for almost half a year. Feels like I have been here forever though!
    *in a good way
    Great. We have had a barking good time since u joined.
    I’m glad! <3 I have a great time with you guys too!!
    I had to exchange some chicken liver with Hex in order to repossess a stolen sock. I HATE touching liver but is extremely high value treats.
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    We had a poodle that was pretty good camping with us, staying in the tent vestibule at night. One time in Indiana we were woken up by a horrible smell. Evidently he got out and found a pig farm. It was too cold to wash him in the nearby creek, so all we could do is put him in a garbage bag secured at the neck. Driving several hours home and we rode with all the windows down with the pooch in the back seat.
    Lol!!! That’s great! Dogs are so funny.
    And I love Poodles.
    Took my Pointer hunting today. It was a really interesting experience and I’ll post some videos in a bit (don’t worry, they’re not graphic.)
    But it's all right; I have been very much enjoying the wildlife "on the hoof" as much as on the plate, and birdwatching is becoming a favorite activity again so I guess even without a gun or a hunting-license I will always be hunting one way or another. Maybe I should bring a camera.
    I love photographing wildlife too… and would never shoot anything that I was not going to eat or that couldn’t be useful in some way. I don’t like when hunters are wasteful… very disrespectful to the environment.
    I will send you some of my wildlife pics actually. Some are game birds and other native species here, and some are more exotic species from wildlife conservation parks. I try to find a balance between loving all animals, eating some, and hunting ones that are invasive, overpopulated and edible.
    I’ve realized that Pointers have more personality than most other dogs. All my dogs do, but Pointers are extra funny lol
    I’m so sorry :( I’m here if you need someone to talk to. I’ve said goodbye to a lot of animals and it never gets easier. They’re all perfect in their own way.
    I love Persians btw!!
    Some breeds are bigger clowns than others. If you ever have an English Bull Terrier shaped space Crewlucaa_ I advise you get one. They will challenge your training skills and your patience. You have to out-stubborn the stubborn. ;)
    I would love to have an EBT someday!!! They’ve always been a big favorite. My Dogo Argentinos challenge my patience and training skills too but we compete in pretty high-level obedience trials :) I’m always looking for training challenges!
    My Newfoundland dog decided that today was a good day to jump in the ocean. Fortunately Newfies are pretty cold-resistant. But he got a bath
    Fun fact: Newfoundlands are bred to be water rescue dogs and they have webbed feet!
    After that, did you use a blow dryer on him? To dry him. Or just a towel??
    Blow dryer :) One meant for dogs. Long coated and double coated dogs, I always blow out after I wash them. Single coated dogs (like Pointers and Dogos) I towel and air dry. I will occasionally use the blower on them if I use waterless shampoo. Curly coated dogs (like Poodles and Portuguese Water Dogs) I blow dry as well.
    My dogs are driving me nuts today. And today is vet appointment day… we go once every 3 months. I hope they’ll chill out by the time we go.
    My cat also protests when he sees the box. He can't stand driving and will lose control over his stool. So, whenever I visit the vet I have to take a walk with a very heavy cat in a box :D
    Rescue remedy (Dr Bach in the UK)for anxiety, drops
    Kinda seems like everyone is sad today. I guess it’s not just me. Sending love <3
    We just never do a post about it ,like the type of who do you think you are (BBC) programmes where family never talk about a family member or what one did
    Just kinda having an “off” day. I’m not as cheerful as usual. Maybe it’s that time of the month or something, idk. Just not smiling today :(
    You've had a busy last couple of days. Bit of a situation on here, lot of work with the dog training, some bad weather, and of course that crazy phone call from that one person. Course you're having a more sober kind of day...they're just a part of thinking long enough to reflect.
    Yeah, a lot has been going on. I’m just taking some time to relax and do some self care tonight.
    Thank you for talking to me :)
    Last thing lol. I officially have 6 dogs now, one I had on a co-own was officially handed over to me a few hours ago. I’m definitely crazy.
    My living situation right now is temporary. I’m looking at buying a bigger property with an indoor/outdoor training facility. And an adjacent kennel area (I do not kennel dogs outdoors. And all my dogs are house dogs too and sleep in my bed.)
    I only plan on being in my current house for another 6 months to a year. It is not fair for me or the dogs.
    Another thing, my best friend and his dog just won a big competition and are going to be on the cover of a popular magazine!!!
    It is a magazine about Pointers and will be premiering at the Pointer National Specialty in Georgia in April!!! Very proud but also slightly jealous ;p
    His dog’s cousin has been on the cover for a long time.
    Going to be away at a dog show/Obedience/Agility trial next weekend. We are in it to win it this time!! ^_^
    I have two dogs who only need a few more points to finish their Championships. I have another dog who is one win away from an Obedience Trial Champion (OTCh) title, and one dog who is going for her Masters Agility Championship Level 2 (MACH-2, pun intended by the AKC. Lol)
    I am not expecting everyone to finish all at once but we shall see.
    If the puppy gets a 4 or 5 point major (15 points is a Champion) she will be one third of the way there. She is 10 months old and has not been campaigned until now.
    WE PASSED!!! Kodi passed level 1 of her certification program for service dogs with a perfect score!!! I can’t stop crying. Now on to level2
    A few people have told me I should try plus size modeling… hmm.
    Think of it as a confidence boost! Might be able to find a photographer nearby to do boudoir photos to see if it’s something you like :)
    Thank you! My uncle is actually a professional photographer… I’ll probably start with him!
    I’m not sure how I feel about wearing bathing suits or underwear lol because I’m 90% stomach :p
    Have heard of people (especially bio/identify women) who put modeling photos on Facebook for lulz & a confidence boost, then a talent scout stumbles upon the Facebook page by accident. Hey, you never know.
    It is really hard to make me angry. But after the phone conversation I just had, I am about to lose my freaking mind.
    Felt the same last night after a webchat
    That person doesn't know much, but somehow that is a common mindset. And yes I bet they would be happier with a better attitude!
    America has a really toxic attitude towards mental health.
    I’m in a good mood today :) But that’s been happening a lot lately :)
    I saw pictures of my friend's collie dog today. Blue merles color and long hair. So that was a good thing to-day.
    I’m usually always happy :) :)
    I love blue merles! Collies and other breeds (Border Collies, Australian Shepherds, Cardigan Welsh Corgis, Shelties, etc.) Glad you got to see the Collies!! :)
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