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  • Sorry for the flood of processing. I am making an effort to forgive and let go. Holding on to pure rage has done me no favors. Pure rage makes me want to drown in a sea of bourbon.
    Your talking about your mom is pushing a lot of buttons for me, in remembering my past and my mother. It is good to go through it in order to let it go, you are good. Just :) make sure to let it go.
    I suppose I could have some empathy for my mother - her mother was just as horrible to her as she is to me. Not saying what she does is ever OK, but I have an opportunity to break the family trauma for myself.
    Seriously, I need a vacation. One month and several days away, my vacation begins. Away from family drama and family psychosis. Good times with great friends. Good food, good hiking, good chill downtime, zero damn stress for two whole weeks.
    Today, at work, I helped a crying parent get hooked up with services for her young child. Holy (expletive). This comes with the territory in my job, but it is gratifying when things like this come together right.
    That's great! Part of what keeps me going in my job are those special moments where you're able to make something happen for someone.
    Thank you for sharing. Very uplifting.
    I think I am going to go on a nice long walk before I get home from work today. Buy a couple of things from a grocery store. Make virgin margaritas and beef enchiladas when for dinner.
    So, instead of hitting the snooze button until it is about ten minutes before I have to leave, I forced myself to get out of bed when my alarm went off. And I am taking my time, made a healthy breakfast, took a shower, stretched, made my bed. Great feeling.
    I need to spend more time with my hobbies, and I need to take on a volunteer shift somewhere. Too much idle time with my headspace is very bad for me.
    same here. I tried volunteering at animal shelter, and then hurt my back so haven't even called them. It is show up as you will, so I'm sure I'll be welcome back once healed. But right now. So bored.
    I am tired of being the family black sheep, the one who people always say, “You know how crazy you get sometimes,” when I try to affirm my boundaries. I think I will plan a relocation very far away from here. I think it is time for such an action.
    Do you have any specific place you want to move to? Somewhere special?
    Yeah, a friend has offered me a room for rent on the other side of the country. I think I will take her up on the offer.
    I think this would be healthy for you. Some separation from the abuse.
    So, today my mother flat out told me that none of my friends cared about me like she cares about me. I am going to plan to move very far away.
    Did you ever consider the possibility that your mother may have dementia?

    Mine did. Though most of her most disagreeable side I had to learn about through other people. Very sad. At times she could be either "Baby Jane or her sister Blanche Hudson". Sugary sweet or downright cruel. It was tough.
    Why should I care about her mental state? She is dead to me.
    Your mother is toxic. I agree, her mental state is no longer your concern. She has done too much to you.
    Another night of pure insomnia.
    Insomnia usually makes for a troublesome day. Hope you are coping okay.
    I hate insomnia. It usually lasts for 2-3 nights for me, every week or two. Hate it hate it hate it. I hope you sleep tonight.
    I feel like drinking Ace of Spades and smoking a Cuban Cohiba while wearing an Italian suit and sitting in the back of a stretch limo. I probably spent as much money as that would require on groceries today. Damn, food is expensive now.
    Looking for somebody to see a Slayer tribute band with me this weekend. That scares most of my RL friends. Heh.
    Nope. I will say the mosh pit at the Metallica tribute concert was probably the most chill mosh pit I have ever seen. Most of the guys in it were in their 30’s and 40’s.
    I guess with age comes wisdom! I think a Metallica mosh pot might be more my speed :-)
    I would go with you! Wish I lived closer.
    Today, I am providing more whine than a French vineyard.
    Sometimes you need to externalise. If you don't let off steam it builds up and it's not good for you. It's a bit like wine, if you have too much in you, your body will eject it. :-) Don't feel bad for getting things off your chest! :)
    What did the grape say when the elephant sat on it? Nothing, it just wined.
    After hearing my mother go on about how losing 30lbs is not a good enough start and that I still am too fat and that I need to eat less than 1,200 calories a day if I "really" wanted to lose weight, it makes me want to give up the weight loss journey.
    I am refraining from referring to her in crude and profane terms right now. My knee jerk reactions are what I am denying myself now.
    What makes this worse is that my mother insists she is only being this hard on me “because she loves me and worries about me”. She is a c-word of the highest order.
    She is a real piece of work. Losing 30# is great progress, I hope you don't give up. This is for you, not her.
    The Internet brings out the worst in mankind. Social media should be destroyed. It is mankind’s de-evolution in slow motion. We should crucify Facebook, Twitter, Reddit. Burn it to hell and back.
    A Fluffy Gray Cat
    A Fluffy Gray Cat
    Ironically, TikTok is the only mainstream social media I can stomach, although I definitely agree with Luca's position that so much of the app is unfiltered garbage. If I'm on anything else, it's either community-oriented, Discord, or a forum. I should realistically go cold turkey outside of those, but still haven't..
    Forums are the only thing I currently use (and specifically only this forum, I have no online presence anywhere else anymore.)
    I have thought about maybe using Discord because I like the idea of using an app where people aren't able to search you by first and last name. I usually use Gmail messenger though.
    Social media is probably just a case of inevitable self destruction. It’s still in its infancy and has plenty of time to destroy itself (and us along with it).
    Facebook sucks.
    Kisa the tea
    Kisa the tea
    Social media in general is horrible.
    Yes, social media brings out the worst types of keyboard warriors, who would most likely run very far away from me if I ever gave them a filthy look IRL.
    I have been off of social media for years now. I deactivated every single account and have never touched them again. Good riddance to that cesspool of human garbage.
    I know enough people irl who hate LGBTQ+ people, including extended family, I don't need to see more of this kind of crap online than I already do, without even having social media.
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