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  • My whole body feels sore and stiff - probably from all the yard work I did yesterday. I am icing my lower back.
    Good deal, I am icing too. Busy day and I'm barely starting to heal up finally enough to move
    Making a frozen pizza for dinner because I am going to be lazy the rest of the evening.
    Knower of nothing
    Knower of nothing
    Let's go lazy gang. No better feeling than truly granting yourself the rest.
    Luc Ienn
    Luc Ienn
    You’ve documented a pretty busy day today, cheesy cardboard is what hits the spot tonight
    Watching Wham music videos on YouTube, my brain is ready for rest now.
    Now all I have to do is wait for the laundry to finish so I can make my bed and put the clean clothes away. My house looks amazing now. When it gets full of clutter, that is a sign I am not doing well.
    Making cold brewed iced tea. I figure having something interesting to drink will help take my mind off beer for a while.
    Luc Ienn
    Luc Ienn
    I drink a lot of decaf coffee for similar reasons. I like the earthy, bitter flavors a lot for keeping myself kind of stimulated by that flavor sensation. It’s pretty helpful, and a warm drink is soothing for me (though I’ll sometimes make it and let it cool to room temperature)
    @Luc Ienn
    I am completely addicted to coffee as a stand in for alcohol. But of course, I take all things too extreme, and so I’ve given myself pretty gnarly acid reflux. Decaf is a great idea.

    When I get it at a shop, sometimes it tastes kinda off, but if I made my own, that would be a good way to have my favorite drink without all the acid.
    Luc Ienn
    Luc Ienn
    @Rodafina I have somewhat low standards, but I like one brand of instant decaf a lot. The Nescafe Taster’s Choice Decaf is surprisingly good, a little off tasting at first but now I’m addicted to the stuff. I’m glad I have something like this at all, otherwise I drink coffee way too much and give myself sweats and palpitations
    Taking a coffee break during the housecleaning project. It should be complete in a couple of hours. I love the progress I am making today.
    Just cleaned up all of the weeds that were a plague in my yard. Now I am going to clean my bedroom - most of which involves washing the bedding and putting clean clothes away.
    I feel like slowly consuming a pint of rum mixed with a six pack of Coca Cola, with some lime slices. Why do I get these bad ideas every time I catch a bug on the bus?
    It actually makes sense that you feel this way when you are sick. It takes so much energy to keep away from those thoughts and maintain an optimistic mindset. When we are worn down by illness, our energy has to go into something other than keeping our mind in comfortable control.
    I hope that you got through the night okay and that Day has left you feeling the tiniest bit better.
    My head is as hard as metal but as empty as my soul.
    Has immersing yourself in movies or video games helped...?
    Well, when I watch movies and write about them, I do eventually want to engage in conversation about those movies. I need to get out more and make some single friends who do not have wives to go home to on weekends.
    Your reviews are lovely to read. Very thorough and professional sounding. It’s evident you treat it as a craft and are skilled at it.
    I slept through most of the day and now most of my stomach issues are gone. I just heard somebody tell me she did not see how sleep would help with a stomach bug, and accuse me of making this up. Ah, well.
    I feel like quitting my job. Becoming a full time gamer and film critic. Eating a diet made up of ramen noodles. Liberating myself from society’s expectations. Being the worthless slug I was meant to be.
    I feel like covering myself with bruises today. Today was a bad day for me to wake up feeling sick and the office is seriously understaffed. I won’t literally do that.
    Hey you? Are you sleepy? Did you sleep last nite?
    I am sleepy. And I have a stomach bug on top of it. And I am a worthless worker on top of all of that.
    Luc Ienn
    Luc Ienn
    I disagree about not deserving to live, but I also need to remember that you woke up feeling like death, and so I understand your feelings right now. It’s currently clear that you’re going through a lot at once. In your situation I’d likely be melting down.

    However things turn out today, I’m rooting for ya. Even if the day gets worse…still rooting for ya. We all need someone in our corner at times like these.
    Using sick hours today. I woke up and started vomiting.
    Damn, I feel ill. I am also dehydrated currently.
    My boss just called me and told me today was a very bad day for me to end up waking up sick because the office is understaffed. Now I feel even worse.
    What does she consider a good day for the one who is sick to feel ill?
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