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  • I am at the airport gate right now, waiting to board the plane in about 20 minutes from now. If you don’t hear from me much the next couple of weeks, it is nothing to worry about.
    So I just found out that the friend I will be staying with the next couple of weeks now has COVID but she describes it as being like a cold.
    Wow, if it's that weak now, that's really good! A few months ago I got something that felt like a flu x3, but in hindsight it might've been that weird RSV variant that was hitting people especially hard
    Dang it!!! Will this disrupt your plans?
    Bought some pork teriyaki for lunch, most of the office joined me and ordered teriyaki with me today. I am very full of teriyaki and white rice. I will have a light dinner tonight.
    In 48 hours I will be boarding a red eye flight to go very far away from here for a while. Bags are mostly packed already.
    Send some thoughts for my friend, whose home is without power in Michigan and will be without power for days.
    Listening to a pianist playing Debussy and killing it perfectly. Feeling more relaxed now.
    Debussy is like that. I've been on a little bit of a Chopin binge recently but Debussy is tempting. Good music is magical,you are right.
    Normally, celebrity deaths do not hit me very hard, but today was a sledgehammer. Sinead deserved so much better than what she got in the ‘90s.
    I worked from home today because my right foot was killing me this morning and I could not walk a mile to the bus stop. My boss is pissed off at me over this.
    I wonder why they have a work from home option if it brings out pissy boss behavior.
    Well, they were relying on me being in the office today to debug the cloud system we have been using.
    The Disabilty act means they need to make accommodations. Hope your foot improves.
    Dealing with insomnia again. And I have to go to work in the morning, awake and alert. This is a whine post. I want some wine and cheese.
    I just bought some cheese and crackers for when I have friends over, but my friend dropped my charcuterie board behind the stove and I have no idea how to get it out lol. I didn't know there was a gap there.
    But on a more serious note, I'm sorry you're dealing with insomnia again. As someone who experiences insomnia and also gets up insanely early for work, I know it sucks :/ Sending positive thoughts.
    You can pull out your stove gently, grab both sides maybe opening the oven door to grip better on the inside, just gently pull towards you out.
    Good luck @Metalhead
    I have had a week of insomnia due to being afraid to sleep.
    Cashed in my change jar and got a gift card worth over $120. From one year's worth of loose change, although I will admit I did feed it a couple of rolls of quarters over the course of that time.
    Smoking a cigar on my front porch, have a bottle of Mexican Coke by my side, this was a lazy weekend for me.
    I'm smoking a cigarette at the poker table. Water in hand.
    OK, my brain is going back to dark places. Time for me to figure out how I will spend the rest of my day. Nip this bad pattern in the bud.
    I will never delete a post I made to your status. I would pinky swear, but we live too far away and my pinkies are really short.
    I feel like binge watching the Evangelion TV series this weekend. I still have my ADV Platinum DVDs, glad I never sold those off especially since the recent re release does not have Fly Me to the Moon on it at all.
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