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  • I wish I could lose 60lbs in one month and be healthy about it. I wish I could have Schwarzenegger muscles in a week without steroids. Unrealistic expectations are lovely.
    Tonight, l told my mother, l have three friends that DEPEND on me for their support. Because lord knows you TRIED to downgrade me to being NOT important. WELL you failed horribly. I am important, l do matter, and l can't hear you

    So you need to tackle the emotional weight loss portion too. I feel so blessed that three friends told me l mattered.
    Go on the lion diet for one month. You will be amazed.
    I'd even suggest you start with working out and building muscle. That alone might make you look at food differently.
    My boss is being a heartless person once again. Maybe I should pack my bags when I get home, buy a Greyhound ticket, get the hell out of here tonight.
    Maybe instead of getting on a greyhound tonight, you can scour the internet for opportunities in Michigan. Look for new jobs, or even apartments. You can use this motivation without putting yourself in a precarious position.
    I could just quit my job and live off ramen for the rest of my life. Become a 24/7 gamer. Live off SSDI alone.
    Ramen, it helped me pay IRS. I know you are pretty resourceful, could you find what you are doing now in the place you want to move to?
    Back on the wagon today. How unsightly I was yesterday.
    Maybe I should take a job as a heartless corporate scum who makes ten figures a month and flies all around the world.
    I wish I could get paid a massive million dollars a month to play Xbox and PlayStation for 80 hours a week.
    Sipping on ice water and eating a beefy veggie and brown rice casserole with hot sauce for dinner.
    I could go for something beefy right now too. I did have fried chicken for dinner though.
    I feel as if I should have stayed in Michigan and not taken the return flight back. Only come back for a short while to pack my possessions, then relocate away from my crap job and crap family.
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    Ya' gotta like winters, though. Five months of a world in shades of grey.
    Lots of snow = lots of water in spring and summer. Michigan definitely has that going for it. From what I've read, if you get away from the postapocalyptic hellscapes of the southeastern "mainland" Michigan is actually a pretty nice place.
    The forests in the Upper Peninsula are far less likely to burn than the ones in the Western US. I'd love to be a hermit there, living off the land.
    My narcissistic mother knows I want to sleep but she is refusing to leave my house until after I play her a movie on my TV.
    I feel like cooking tacos today. Chicken soft tacos with dark meat.
    Hooked on green salsa lately, made with green tomatoes. I need some flan, l bought it all the time at the great Hispanic stores in Minneapolis. I really miss those stores.
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