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  • Lazy weekend, I will go back to being active tomorrow, although I did expend a lot of physical energy at last night’s concert avoiding the slam dancers and crown surfers.
    Ears are still ringing, I really hope there is no permanent damage here.
    Now my ears are ringing. This was an exceptionally loud metal show. I wonder how long the ringing will last this time.
    Outside of the venue waiting for the doors to open so I can see Red Fang in concert tonight.
    My ears are ringing. I should have worn earplugs. The music was great, but it was also one of the loudest concerts I ever attended.
    Just several feet away from me to the left was the mosh pit and the crowd surfers. Getting this close to the stage is a contact sport.
    I think I earned the right to go to bed early tonight.
    Glad you seem a little better lately. Hope things are smoother for you.
    @Aspychata It was the honesty of many here that convinced me to stop being all super negative, frankly.
    That's pretty neat. But truthfully, it helps to vent, and feel listened to. Then you can go forward. But your story was a incredibly difficult childhood. I think what l have been thru is enough for several lifetimes but l need to stay the course.
    I got a bit of sunburn on my forehead now.
    You have really changed all for the good. And this attracts healthier relationships with better quality people.
    I feel like going somewhere that has a jacuzzi.
    That sounds nice. My gym doesn't have one. But they have a nice heated outdoor pool.
    I want to take a trip somewhere. Pack a bag and leave my state for a few days. I am planning something in August, but that seems ages away at this point.
    I weighed a lot less before COVID happened. Now the sun is out and I feel like hiking even though I am not in the shape I used to be in. I want my fit body back. I have to work my ass off to get it back.
    It's hard for awhile, but you do become more motivated. I put on exercise clothes and they look nice now. And pants are more comfortable.
    Walked up massive hills to get to work today instead of taking the bus. If I keep doing this on a regular basis, I will lose weight.
    Absolutely. My girlfriend was unable to climb 3 flight of stairs when I met her. Now she can keep up with me on an 8 mile hike and I walk fast. People lose weight by building stamina.
    Damn, I slept for almost 36 hours straight, then I went to work today feeling like a normal human being. I can't do this on a regular basis for obvious reasons.
    Just had a friend over - I showed him The House of the Devil and then I showed him Bullet Train. We had fun for a few hours, grilled some bratwursts, sipped some diet Sprite.
    Weekend just began for me. Hell yeah! Time to play Metro 2033 until 3AM!
    That sounds pretty fun--But don't forget you will need your rest to keep up with the exercising you've been doing. Maybe sleep in!
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