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  • Getting more dental work done this afternoon, but this should be the end of it for now. Always brush and floss your teeth if you don't want to end up like me and need 10 fillings due to not taking care of things.
    I am thinking of perhaps buying myself a massage from a legit massage therapist. Maybe I'll do that during my vacation in August. Hike long trails and get a massage near the end of the trip.
    Should I go to a recovery meeting tonight or should I go to bed early instead? Decisions, decisions.
    You need to hit the hay, wake rested, and see about what next to do. A good night's sleep is absolutely irreplaceable.
    What did you decide to do?
    I walked up several hills this morning and my co-workers are now worried that I am sick. I am not sick, I am just very out of shape and I am trying to force myself back into shape.
    Just do one day at a time. Don't worry about what they think. You do you, let them do themselves. Great to hear you were walking those hills.
    A little bit at a time & it'll do you good. This is a great way to exercise.
    Forget the message my mother always hammers into me. I am not bothering people just by existing. I have the right to take care of myself and to not sacrifice myself for anybody who wants to take advantage.
    I really do have a lot to be grateful for. I have a handful of very close friends. I have my own little castle that I can afford. My mental and physical health is a work in progress. Doctor thinks I may be bipolar type 2 on top of being an Aspie, but I’d rather not be one of those who uses a diagnosis as an excuse for bad behavior.
    Some of my closest friends are bipolar. And one is definitely an Aspie.
    I feel like I want to make enchiladas in mole sauce for myself tonight. Then going to the gym to burn them off tomorrow.
    Sounds so much better then my dinner. But the gym is a great plan, when the enchiladas call.....
    I want to help be a building block in the lives of others. I want to be an essential stable rock. I want to help others away from liquor. My friends need me. My boss needs me. I am not the bother I was raised to believe I was. My false beliefs have held me back too long.
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    So right! The lies that we have internalized are the greatest harm to us. I have struggled as you have to repair myself.
    It is amazing how much money some people have. Some of those college girls were getting plastered on expensive cocktails. I suppose some people can’t enjoy a concert without being drunk, and that is very sad.
    Sometimes helping others pulls us out, because you have talk the talk, and walk the talk, addicts know when you are lying. Lol
    Just take journey slowly. You have come far. Take a minute to congratulate yourself. Those raw feelings come back, and before we try to numb them. It's best now to identify those raw feelings. I know it sounds corny, but you need to embrace these feelings, and own them. This starts your journey. The quicker you get at checking in with how you feel, you will be able to regulate better.
    I have walked this path over the last 6 months. Start identifying and labeling what you are feeling, and why.
    I am at a venue where the concert ticket cost me $22.50 but cocktails cost $17. Another reason not to have a drink.
    Hope you are doing better today. I notice Friday you end up in your funk. It seems around weekends. Please do self-care. Try not to spiral okay?
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