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  • I am thinking of going out for more live music on the weekends. There are many inexpensive tickets out there in the smaller venues, and I could always take an Uber back home.
    Apparently, my critic pen name, Master Christopher, is extremely offensive according to my mother and sister. What is so offensive about it, I do not know.
    Watch their reaction if you tell them you agree and you're going to change it to Master Baits. :)
    @Outdated that's pretty brilliant! :smilecat:

    I agree with everyone else! Screw them, there's nothing wrong with your pen name! Keep it and be proud of it! :-)
    Tell them it's Master Offensive to mom and family. Thank them for the idea. Why would you even tell them anything? Because you already know the answer. Just agree with them, then just do what you want anyways.
    I feel like smoking some weed and ignoring the outside world for a while. Alas, weed is not in my fiscal budget today.
    I feel like I am a priority to nobody in my life. Like people easily cancel plans with me whenever somebody more interesting comes around.
    Unfortunately my irl life is the same way :(
    I am thinking of going to the local jazz bar tonight, getting dressed up in my nicest threads, paying a cover charge, ordering non-alcoholic drinks and an appetizer, and enjoying the band tonight.
    Do it! Post a pic! Shake things up a bit.
    Jazz music is nice. I think that sounds like fun--I don't drink either when I go to bars but sometimes it's nice to go people-watching.
    I did not get there early enough to get a seat, as it is first come first served there. I will go to the karaoke bar a couple of blocks away instead, order non alcoholic drinks and an appetizer, and watch drunk people mangle timeless tunes.
    Fifteen years ago I was living my dream life, but I was weak and I let my family bully me out of it. My paradise was once had, now forever lost.
    Amazing how one long stretch of sleep can cure a couple of months without it. Yeah, I did keep on waking up during it, but this is better than nothing.
    The feeling when I realize I have nothing but a lot more of the same to look forward to for the next several months.
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    Did this start now, did you get swollen tonsils or something recently? Just wondering because if you did, it could change again soon and they become smaller and let you breathe again.
    I just called the suicide hotline. The woman there told me that I could possibly consider going to the ER because this lack of sleep is really screwing around with my mental health right now.
    If the ER cant/wont help out with the psych aspect of it, is there a chance they could at least help strictly with the insomnia thing?
    One way or another, you gotta do something. Dont let this thing beat you. You're a priority to more people than you realize, I think.
    If you make it known to the ER room your suicide desires and you are in need of in-patient hospitalization, they must under law either admit you to that hospital for extended observation and stay or call around to another location to find room for you. If not there is extreme liability risk on their end.
    I feel like I can sing that whiny Papa Roach last resort song right now and be sincere about it. I have to wait for the doctor to see me to even start to plan to fix my health problems. I am not officially an emergency case. I fall through the cracks because I do not matter.
    Sorry you are going through this, metal brother. :(
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