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  • Talked with my therapist, and she agrees with me that the root of most my negative thinking these days is the fact that I am not feeling physically great. And I am working on that. I will go up from this point.
    Veggie stir fry for dinner tonight with some lean chicken tossed in. I will season it with fresh ginger and parsley.
    I feel like going out to buy myself a bowl of spicy curry tonight. Get some garlic naan to go along with it.
    Wide awake now when I should be sleeping in preparation for work tomorrow. Maybe a shot of Benadryl will do the trick.
    Low key bummer, all of my local friends are too busy to visit me this upcoming week.
    I know how that feels :(
    She's a funny world. It was only a few weeks ago you were wishing for time to yourself and you couldn't get it. :)
    If only I could hibernate until the start of June, and wake up with a flat belly since I would have burned off all that fat while I hibernated. That would be lovely.
    I feel like going to bed and sleeping the next 14 hours before I have to leave for work tomorrow.
    Sounds like something worth doing. I'd say go for it--or maybe you already have, in which case, good idea. Get a good bath too when you wake up; you'll feel better.
    I wish I could turn depression off like flipping a light switch. Wouldn’t that be nice?
    You do need to rethink things, because l have been there so many times. Trust me on this.
    I am finding myself fantasizing about killing myself in moments in the past that would have inflicted maximum damage against my family. This can't be healthy.
    Mr. Stevens
    Whenever I have similar thoughts, I try to realize it's because I feel punished for being myself. Families will do that, when they scapegoat--make you feel wrong for everything that is naturally you. And then it's natural for you to want to punish yourself since that's the only way to have control, with such people. So being where people enjoy who you are will probably help the most. I hope things improve soon.
    But seriously, you can't do this because your family would win. You can't let those nasty ones win. You have control of your life, and we all watch how you gain control back. You are a inspiration others here. Including me.
    Nah, I wasn’t thinking about doing anything like that now. I was thinking of doing it back when my mother said her most hurtful words to me to teach her a lesson, or something like that. It’s all bull crap thinking and it’s depression talking.
    A drink will only make me feel worse tonight.
    I would have recommended a drink, actually.
    Plain or with ice. I enjoy the luxury of ice cubes.
    Frequently drinking five ounces of cold water helps me feel better
    I think breaking down exactly what alcohol does for you helps you understand yourself better. Does it numb you to your reality that perhaps you don't like facing right now?
    Is your sleep situation upsetting you?
    Honestly I am feeling down and depressed tonight, and I know this will improve once my sleep apnea starts to get treated. I am trying not to let it get to me.
    I want to party tonight. Pull out the cigars and the ginger ale. Invite friends over and watch new release movies with them. Or maybe play board games instead. Who is interested in joining me in my living room tonight?
    If I didn't live on the other side of the country I'd pop over. Movies, smokes, and/or board games are pretty much a recipe for a good time.
    Sounds good to me, we could swap bad mom stories. Lol
    Slept most of the day and had super bizarre dreams that would have triggered me a couple of years ago. Now I just wake up and think - whoa, that was bizarre. Time to hit the gym again.
    Went to the gym this morning, going to game by myself this afternoon. Maybe I will make myself nachos for dinner.
    Game of Thrones is addictive. Lots of twists and turns and double crosses in the plot.
    The books are better, it's a shame he never finished them.
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