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  • I am tired of waiting for the doctor appointment on the 27th, the earliest I could get in. I just can’t stand being alive right now.
    Looking forward to my final drinks later today.
    You have already had your final drink, and I think you're going to be okay once you get through this rough patch alive and carry on. Even if you lose this particular job.
    You're on the path to self-improvement.

    Drinking cravings will disappear, no matter how strong the wave of cravings might currently feel. Remember that alcohol is a depressant. It might numb you out, but your struggles will be there + a hangover the next day.

    You will get there, you're on the right path.
    It’s good to express desperate hurt, get it out, take in our support and care and get back to the forward journey.

    Move past this challenge and this difficult day. You can do it.
    I have reached the end of the line officially. My health issues are what did me in at the end of the day.
    Yeah my health is pretty much been going down hill for months. headaches all the time. It's like damn , 20's I wasn't even that healthy to begin, then 30's hits you , and it only gets worse.
    Crimes of the Future was not even nominated for Best Picture at the Oscars. The Oscars are a trash ceremony.
    The Oscars lost all credibility the year that Dances with Wolves won Best Picture over GoodFellas.
    I love Casino and Good Fellas. I passed on meeting someone from the Gambino family, nope, nada, nein. Lol
    My great-grandmother refused to pay protection money for her little store in Italy, and came to America.
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    Did you hear what Jimmy Kimmel said while hosting the Oscars?: "If anyone in this theater commits an act of violence at any point during the show, you will receive an Academy Award for Best Actor and be allowed to give a 19-minute speech". LoL That's just outstanding.
    Tax refund came. I will buy a plane ticket to Michigan for a vacation.
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    If you are up my way, let me know. I live near the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore for outdoor activities. For the arts there is the Interlochen Arts Academy and their programs (#3 for arts in the nation). The closest airport is Traverse City. I'd need to clear it with my spouse to give you a guest room on the lower level (walkout).
    Where the hell did one hour go? I feel this way every year around this time. Never was a fan of this change.
    I feel like having some pizza tonight. Who wants to have some pizza and root beer with me in a couple of hours?
    I live thousands of miles away. But nice offer.
    ninja turtles pizza GIF
    Wish I could hop on a plane and come join you. It sucks that I’m on the opposite coast.
    Other side of the country here but I'd be more than glad to if I could. I'd even bring weird regional soft drinks.
    Going out to dinner with a friend tonight that I have not seen in a while. I wonder what I should order - I feel like eating a lamb curry, but he is giving up meat for lent and I don't want to be a jerk to him.
    Just got out of the dentist’s office. They sent a referral for me to get a sleep study, although the dentist did say a tonsillectomy is likely in my case after she looked in there.
    Sometimes the corrective procedure, as uncomfortable as it is, is the best long term solution. My younger brother put off a corrective surgery for a deviated septum. Once he got it done, his snoring and sleep apnea resolved.
    You may have found answer and you can finally move forward with your life.
    Corrected- lol
    I want a cup of mocha espresso, topped with whipped cream. Not the healthiest choice in the world, but I assume it probably would be healthier than a can of Monster, and I do need to be more alert so I can finish my work shift.
    What even is that "Monster" stuff? Like, I hear about it all the time, but somehow I still have no idea what it is or what it is like. Other than assuming that it's not very healthy, that is.
    I dont drink it. But I found one at a park once. Unopened. I drank it. lol. It didn't do anything for me, really.
    Maybe because it was zero sugar...Maybe I didn't have the right one
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