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  • Spending this evening watching some of the movies that I bought but had not watched yet.
    Do you think it's true that boys like movies with explosions and robots, while girls live movies with diseases, weddings and tears?
    My sense of worth must come from within. Not from objects or from others.
    Atrapa Almas
    Atrapa Almas
    I am glad that you are on the doing now. Welcome to minimalism. You should be proud of yourself. Congratulations.
    During the recession Arden Fair Mall put up billboards reading "Style comes from within. -La Recessionista". Too bad that sentiment was thrown away when the economy got better for a while. I personally threw out or donated all the junk I realistically would never use, except for several boxes of sentimental and rare items.
    This weekend, I will go through my physical games and my BluRay collection. EBay, here I come.
    Money will come from that if you can get some buyers. That'll help a great deal.
    You sound a lot more hopeful now than you did the other day.
    He may not get very much money, but that's not the point.
    I have decided to start looking into starting a weekend 12-step meeting within walking distance from where I live. Currently, there is none.
    Few things are as empty and vacant as modern consumer culture.
    That's actually really wise. You're definitely correct.
    Slim Jim
    Slim Jim
    With modern consumer culture, it becomes increasingly apparent, most people feel completely void and helpless in controlling their own destinies, controlling the destiny of human life.
    Another day of isolation. And I am abstaining from my addictions, meaning I feel the isolation acutely.
    I have nothing in my life worth getting out of bed over anymore. No friends. No transportation. Nothing but material junk and debt.
    That's a discouraging story. How's it going to help you to tell yourself that?
    Cleaning my house today. A couple of boxes will go to the thrift store later this week.
    If you can try to clean all you donate with something that disguises the odour of nicotine
    Friday night is coming up, time to pull out my Xbox One X and game for hours on end while eating veggie sticks and drinking coffee.
    I just want bros to have movie marathons at my house with. Is that too much to ask for?
    I’m very happy to see you again! :) Hope you’re well!
    Sitting at my work desk, trying to keep my sadness all inside and putting up a monumental effort at that. I want to crawl back into bed.
    The temptation to throw in the towel in my life is incredibly strong at the present moment.
    I feel like having a tragic film festival this afternoon. Sophie’s Choice, Grave of the Fireflies, Requiem for a Dream.
    That would be a cry-fest for me :( Sometimes you need to though!
    Good movies. For your next tragic film festival I recomment The Seventh Continent, Melancholia, and Lilja 4-ever.
    Lilja 4-ever is super tragic! a real disturbing tear jerker. Takes place in a prior slavic nation. Pretty fitting considering the current tragedy.
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