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  • Binge watching trash TV on Hulu. Today was a waste.
    Sometimes it's like that - the brain just tells you, "Bleh!"

    I think of it as a disk defrag for some mysterious part of the brain.

    What I try to do is to have a few series worth binge-watching on standby for such days. Then there is no trash.

    Here's a YT thing that's fun to binge over and over if you're into food, history and humour.

    Have a headache and I have no idea why, but it sucks.
    I just had a cup of strong black coffee, that helped a little.
    I had a friend who would get migraine headaches, and apparently, acquired relief with coffee. Glad it helped you a little. Hope you continue to feel better.
    Slim Jim
    Slim Jim
    Dehydration. Sickness. Intoxicants. So many things. It could be. I get this.
    I feel like making chicken soft tacos with canned chipotles tonight. And having a virgin margarita with them. Who wants some?
    I just got stood up by a one-night stand. These things happen, I suppose.
    Dating got weird after the pandemic. Or maybe since l am older. It's like a little voice shouts out: intruder alert intruder alert.
    On the bright side, if it was just for a one-night stand, he can only stand you up once. ;)
    Maybe he was a one-night stand-up comedian! ;)
    I want to purchase a Series X with my tax refund, but that would be unwise.
    Consider what it would cost to build a robust PC to handle gaming on that level. A console system that powerful just might be a more prudent investment for anyone wanting into gaming.

    Assuming of course that MS has engineered this device to handle all the notorious thermodynamic considerations of high frame rates.
    Anybody here interested in doing Gears of War co-op with me on the 360 or Xbox One?
    Atrapa Almas
    Atrapa Almas
    Sounds like a good plan. Unfortunately I dont have Xbox. Have fun. =D
    Eating Shin Black ramen for dinner tonight since I do not feel like spending much time cooking.
    Nothing wrong with that! :) I didn’t feel like cooking tonight either so I had leftovers.
    I feel like going out for enchiladas tonight. Anyone care to join me?
    I would love to! I made some Hispanic food tonight and it was delicious. Very spicy!
    Would anybody here be interested in doing online co-op for many older XBox 360 games with me?
    I am happy to be writing again.
    Happy you are doing better :)
    Happy to see you writing and enjoying. You're a good writer!

    Will be great to have little review pieces from you if you go around trying different activities around your area. :)
    Coffee and movies go well together.
    Slim Jim
    Slim Jim
    I hear ya! When I wake up in the morning, I just can't get started until I've had that first, piping hot pot of coffee. Oh, I’ve tried other enemas.
    Think what that will do to your underwear, @Slim Jim! :)

    Not to mention your rectum, if the coffee is piping hot...
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