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  • I plan on grilling some chicken breasts and Brussels Sprouts for dinner tonight.
    I have been hooked on honeymustard lately. I put it on everything
    I had a dry salad for dinner. Not terribly tasty, but it is healthy and low calorie.
    @Shaddock I am entirely sure that I mean sauerkraut.
    ok : D lol sauerkraut is the same in german and english. I wondered because I thought you spoke german.
    All I can say in German is yes, no, come here, please, I want to take a bath, and a rude thing that I won't repeat. Oh...also heaven and Christmas tree.
    Caffeine, my lovely friend. Black coffee runs through my veins and restores my willpower. It is liquid motivation.
    Playing Amnesia The Dark Descent on my Xbox. Playing it in a dark room with loud speakers. It is freaky.
    thats a pretty creepy game. next play outlast or somthing maybe fatal frame
    I want to party like I am 15, all night games marathon, Mountain Dew and frozen pizza and other geeks. My body cannot handle that anymore.
    Enter the Dragon still is a great movie even by today’s standards. Watching it now.
    Slim Jim
    Slim Jim
    I love ETD. I loved as a kid. A a teenager., As a adult. Got the offer from Hollywood, while he was making Game of death, halted production. He went from big boss, to his big break. Great cast. Great everything. Sadly I don't think he lived to see the premiere. Verge of superstardom. July 1973.
    So many people want me to self destruct. I should live my best life just to spite them all.
    the earth is for the learners not the learned
    Slim Jim
    Slim Jim
    I think we imagine that people in our life are out to get us, more often than not, they don't even acknowledge us, think about us, enough to even care if we self-destruct or not. Many people are more wrapped up in themselves, to even notice.
    @Slim Jim, you get the most valuable comment of the day award from me. That is so true. It's easy to end up with a persecution complex when you've had hard experiences when young, and to blow the actuality of how much it means to others when they hurt or thwart you out of proportion. It's often quite casual and soon forgotten. Simple minds, simple pleasures, etc.
    If I were to shed my own blood, who would celebrate it? Maybe I should leave the Internet for a while.
    I take back what I said in my last profile post. I hate most people. Most people are stupid sheep who celebrate their own slaughter.
    Thank you all for letting me purge my venom here. Time to stop purging venom and start building something better.
    Nice to know that there are even people here who would love for me to die. But enough about that.
    Do you really think so? Because if it's not true, then that's a lot of energy you're draining unnecessarily. And even if it was true, it's wiser not to give that sort of thing any energy, and to save your energy for things that are in your control, and to make sure it goes somewhere positive and constructive.
    I wish my stomach bug would go away and never come back. I wish I could evict my stomach bug from my body and kick it out ASAP.
    Have you ever taken Activated Charcoal? It is quite effective for relief of most stomach issues, including nausea and stomach flu. I hope you feel better, soon.
    I didn't know that. Thanks @Loren
    You're welcome, Aspychata.
    Got my hours changed at my job so the commute is less of a pain and I get the same number of hours with an extra day off a week.
    I should take a chainsaw and sever my brain's ties to my negative past, leaving only today to focus on instead.
    Slim Jim
    Slim Jim
    Gary Busey hit his head on the side of the kerb at 45 knotts per hour on Harley , and severed something. (Ever since he died...) He's a big proponent of focusing on the here and now and forgetting the negative past.

    But he's a strange breed of individual, not everybody can do it.
    Not sure how it is for you, @Metalhead - if I try to push my past away entirely it comes back to haunt me, and if I spend too much time paying attention to that stuff I waste time and energy.

    There's a Goldilocks zone in the middle where I am paying just enough attention to my past to minimise its negative effect on me.
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