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  • Anger fuels me today. Rage is keeping me going. I want to see my enemies crumble under the weight of their hubris.
    the only problem is when you come to a point where you can not differ "enemys" from friends anymore and hurts a friendly person, which makes you regretful and sad in the end and some things like trust can not always be repaired.
    I probably should avoid the Internet this weekend. A lot of people are going to be dumb there at this time.
    There is a song in thr trailer for Titane that I can't get out of my head. It is classic rock, and I wish I knew the name and artist.
    Just found it. The Zombies - She’s Not There
    Going through my film library and writing reviews of all I own currently.
    Knower of nothing
    Knower of nothing
    Don't burn yourself out. Someone I know is doing something similar for anime and he recommends going by order of interest. So pick the ones you feel you have the most interesting stuff to say about first.
    My boss gave me a large stack of material to read through by the end of this week. This actually is a very good thing.
    Nothing quite like oatmeal, coffee and fresh fruit for breakfast.
    Omg. You are turning healthy. Oh dear. Lol
    Yeah, this is an upgrade from a frozen burrito and a can of Monster for breakfast.
    I am going to be getting more training on my job, to be able to answer more client questions and boost my confidence that way:
    It's the goshdarn weekend, people! Celebrate the end of a work week!
    I like the new you. I just want to meet up at a rave and celebrate your *freedom of mind*. Nuff said.
    Your success has helped me move along and let go of resentments of my family which seem a walk in the park after listening to a real life mommy dearest story. So happy you are finding freedom finally.
    I feel like buying a can of Monster from the mini-mart next to the office. I feel a craving for sugar and caffeine that is quite strong.
    it´s matter of taste, but monster energy was one of very few energy-drinks I don´t like, because for my taste it tastes too synthetical and too sweet.
    Surger and caffeine- l bought gum at 7/11 that has 50 MG of caffeine
    I want more of a social life, so I am going to budget for Uber rides to meetups. My own company is not good enough for me.
    I want a bag of salt and vinegar potato chips and a six pack of beer. I want what I cannot ever have again.
    No potato chips?

    I used to love them.
    Turned out I am allergic to potatoes, though.
    I love anything salty crunchy. Heineken has a beer minus the alcohol. It's decent.
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