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  • I want a swanky cigar. I think I will walk a few miles to downtown to buy myself one today. The walk will do me some good.
    I am thinking of heading to a bar just to sip some soft drinks, munch on wings, and watch drunk people mangle songs on the karaoke stage tonight. It might help break up the mold of my life a little bit.
    For the record, I am not willing to spend bar prices for alcohol, so I think I will be safe there in that regard.
    My new website is being worked on as I type this. It will be a growing library of movie, anime and TV series reviews that I will write, and it will be amazing. Hopefully it will also have a comments section for civil movie discussions. I love movies and I love talking about them.
    That sounds awesome! I've always wanted to make a site or blog like that but I'm too lazy :)
    Having a movie marathon today. Have a cup of black coffee to get me started. I am starting the marathon with Hobo with a Shotgun.
    I am alone tonight, completely facing the reality that my body is not nearly as young and resilient as it used to be and that I have run it into the ground by still acting like I was 21.
    Slim Jim
    Slim Jim
    I'm 34. I stay up all night on the regular. I'm not doin much better. Though I'm TRYING to look after my health more.
    About to watch Vortex tonight. I wish somebody was here to watch it with me, as it seems like a movie worth discussing.
    I wish I knew more guys my age who just want to chill around a bowl of popcorn while watching horror movies with other like minded guys.
    That seems like a potentially common interest. Have you tried sites like Meetup, where you could just host some movie nights?
    your wishes seem not that high/complicate and very realistic.
    I feel like hosting a self pity party. I would throw confetti if my wrist were in normal shape. Debbie Downer has been invited.
    If that's an RSI, I've got one too. I'll bring the ice!
    Okay, pity party is okay by me. Gotta a couple of things going on that are pain in the keister. And l am to old to be going thru stuffs.
    I need some cbd for my wrist.
    When I hurt my hand/wrist by picking up firewood in a stupid way on a cold day (using grip like "quack like a duck" hand, instead of paddle hand) it took months to get better. I had to use both hands to pick up a pound jar of peanut butter. Also, devise new way to use doorknob. Like Spock's Live Long & Prosper gesture to grasp it.
    My laptop’s display drivers decided to stop working altogether. I am grateful a friend who fixes problems like this for a living will help.
    Finally reached my destination. At least the public transit system was able to take my complaint and give a driver a write up.
    Nothing quite like waiting for a bus that should have been here half an hour ago. Some drivers do not care about being on time.
    as long as you not travel with the "Deutsche Bahn", you´re fine. there are a lot of jokes about the Deutsche Bahn in germany. but it depends on the area. in big cities it´s better than in tiny cities.
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