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  • I ate too much the last two days thanks to me hosting my staff BBQ with all of my co workers at my house and being left with a ton of leftovers, most of which is now going to the freezer.
    That was still nice of you to do that--hosting the party like that, and all.
    Hey, if you want some brats, I have half a ton of them in my freezer now. :)
    Hey great you did that.
    Pretty near of you.
    I remember being a middle schooler in the early ‘90s and being bullied because I loved anime and was willing to spend $35 for a subtitled anime VHS tape on a regular basis. Now anime is mainstream and being an anime fan is no big deal. Heh. I just wish the glory days of sex and violence OVAs were not over.
    I feel like sipping on the sweet tears of my enemies, so sweet it would give me diabetes after only consuming a few drops of them. Or maybe I could put those tears on ice and use them to make a cool refreshing shower during this heat wave. Creativity is always good.
    It is hotter outside than a ghost pepper extract infused shotglass full of 151 that has been set on fire. That is hot.
    My town has some decent nightlife within walking distance of my house, I just have to budget for it every weekend and I am golden.
    Prescription anti-inflammation pills are a lifesaver to me today. I feel almost back to normal but I still have to be careful with my ankles and my diet.
    I lost 10lbs in the last two weeks.
    Slim Jim
    Slim Jim
    Did you check the last place you put it?
    Justin Robinson Laughing GIF by Film Riot
    I heard that there could be a yo-yo effect when your body drifts in the hunger mode, which happens when you eat less then 800 calories per day. depends on the weight, but if we go out from a 80 kilo man who needs 2000 calories per day. I heard that 500 calories less than needed would be okay.
    or maximum 800 calories. because when the yo-yo effect happens, you can get more weight in short time, than you reduced so far. and everything would have been senseless. I think weight x 24 is the needed calories (at least when you calculate in kilos)
    Walking currently hurts. This sucks.
    Increasing B vitamin intake can enhance ability to remember dreams. Also, the dreams being in color.
    Besides reducing water retention. The crummy feeling that toes or fingers are sausages. (sausages on
    the verge of splitting)
    I will buy some B6 in my next Instacart order, then.
    Myself, I use 200 mg in the morning, plus a B-50 morning and evening.
    You can figure how much may help you, through experience.
    I take separate Niacin, too.
    Now both my ankles are swelling and red and I have no idea why.
    I have multiple very very big swollen stitches because of horse-flys, but I think it´s something in different in your case? : P
    If I fell asleep and never woke up again, that would be divine, I believe.
    Atrapa Almas
    Atrapa Almas
    There is no hurry on doing something you can do any other day in the future.
    Which things can you do today that wont be able to do in some years? You could do those.
    Slim Jim
    Slim Jim
    Not so.
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