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  • Could anybody recommend anything good on Steam or Xbox that would teach me how to play traditional 4-player mahjong? I've always wanted to learn that.
    Look for "Mahjong Nagomi" on Steam.

    Other than that, there's TTS... that's probably about your only options. Most "Mahjong" games that you'd find on Steam or console are just the solitaire tile clearing thing.
    Movie night at Metalhead's house! Only the bravest of souls dare to join me when I am holding the remote control on these nights!
    I don't know why, but this is causing me to think you're about to watch Talladega Nights with the director's commentary turned on... I had some delta 8 earlier.
    Actually, tonight I ended up watching The Matrix again. So I figure that is not that terrible of a choice this time around.
    If it's the first one, I love that one! The rest of them confuse me with all of the new characters, lol
    Watched a Netflix documentary about Woodstock ‘99 just now. So that is what happens when 250,000 Limp Bizkit fans come together. Seriously, it was the corporate heads that brought them together and pissed them off. High class period of American musical history.
    There are two types of people I don't trust in this world: Limp Bizkit fans, and Kid Rock
    All I can say reading this paragraph is: Oh no. Hell no.
    I want to go to a jazz bar tonight and pay a hefty cover charge to hear the band. Get dressed up in a nice suit and go out for the night.
    saw your photo here in the forum and I´m sure a suit suits you.
    Wow. Nice looking pic of you in suit!!. I agree with Shafdock.
    I am craving Popeye’s chicken, which is not great for somebody who wants to lose weight.
    Good luck and Godspeed. :)

    Even as a vegetarian, I love their fries. The struggle is real.
    I am not used to a drama free life. I am digging it even if it is outside my comfort zone a bit.
    Keep at it and you may find yourself on
    the cutting edge of relaxation. :)
    Cool. Sounds almost like you retired. Something to look forward to, eventually. ;)
    Dealing with insomnia currently. I could go to the nearby 24 hour gym again. I was just there a few hours ago. I am full of nervy energy today, not sure why.
    Listening to NWA is not helping. LOL. Maybe I should put on Anita Baker instead.
    I feel like going to the gym and running on a treadmill until all my nervous energy has been burned away. That sounds like a better option than whining about my family.
    That actually sounds fun.
    It seriously works. I do it everyday just because it lowers my anxiety. Pretty decent alcohol replacement if you'd ask me :)
    Screw it, do both. Vent and run, you have come so far already;)
    I feel like going out tonight, but I have to go to work in the morning like a responsible adult. LOL.
    After my parents sold the house I grew up in I had weird nightmares for a while that I was a kid in my old room again, hiding under the bed with a transistor radio, hoping that I could ID that far off AM station before my dad barged in for another round of punishment. Even thinking about it now makes me cry.
    I’m sorry :( My childhood was very traumatic too. I would never want to go back in time.
    Atrapa Almas
    Atrapa Almas
    Nice comic.
    I ate too much the last two days thanks to me hosting my staff BBQ with all of my co workers at my house and being left with a ton of leftovers, most of which is now going to the freezer.
    That was still nice of you to do that--hosting the party like that, and all.
    Hey, if you want some brats, I have half a ton of them in my freezer now. :)
    Hey great you did that.
    Pretty near of you.
    I remember being a middle schooler in the early ‘90s and being bullied because I loved anime and was willing to spend $35 for a subtitled anime VHS tape on a regular basis. Now anime is mainstream and being an anime fan is no big deal. Heh. I just wish the glory days of sex and violence OVAs were not over.
    I feel like sipping on the sweet tears of my enemies, so sweet it would give me diabetes after only consuming a few drops of them. Or maybe I could put those tears on ice and use them to make a cool refreshing shower during this heat wave. Creativity is always good.
    It is hotter outside than a ghost pepper extract infused shotglass full of 151 that has been set on fire. That is hot.
    My town has some decent nightlife within walking distance of my house, I just have to budget for it every weekend and I am golden.
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