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  • Too many trashy people on the bus home from work right now. I have to turn the volume way up on my headphones to drown out their trashy profane shouting chatter.
    I have my iPhone back, and it is in the same condition it was when I lost it, outside of having a lot less battery charge on it. Shall I celebrate by blasting Dr Dre at my office?
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    I'm amazed that it's possible to lose a phone on a bus and actually get it back. No one stole it. My faith in mankind is slightly higher than it was before.
    my old phone (2021 model, was my new phone) is probably still in an crevice in some mountain. when my current old iphone "dies", then I will buy the same model again lol.
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    Shaddock, your phone is in a crevice in a mountain? In the future, archeologists will carefully dig through layers of phones and put them in museums, like dinosaur bones. :)
    My phone will be back in my hands tomorrow morning. I will mail the lost and found lady a thank you card, she went above and beyond to help out this reunion.
    I lost my iPhone on the bus this morning, luckily it has been turned in to Lost and Found and I can get it back tomorrow morning. Ack.
    That is very fortunate.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    My phone has earbuds connected all the time. I listen to music all the time outside. So I am not worried about losing it.
    Tikki Masala for dinner tonight. This is a part of the reason I am overweight.
    Omg, I was planning on getting some tomorrow, so, same. Lol
    That actually sounds pretty healthy to me!
    Look at who I get to watch this weekend.004128B0-A29C-4746-9609-BA3BB0342BE7.jpeg
    Should we have a group BBQ this evening? I know, I love my grill way too much. It was a wise investment seeing how much use I am getting out of it.
    I am having a Jason Statham film festival this evening. Who wants to join me?
    I like his acting.
    Oh, I like him because he is a general badass in action movies. His acting skills are debatable.
    What acting? You said it perfectly.
    I feel like buying a cigar for this weekend. Just a taste of the high life. Without the bourbon this time. Maybe a mocktail to go with it.
    I want a steak, rare, marbled, tender, way outside my price range and grilled by a master chef. Beef has gotten to be too expensive.
    Omg, I would love the same right now.
    Go to Safeway, and at the side of the meat dept is a "30% off bin". They already usually have excellent club card deals on beef, but you take an extra 30% off, and dang, it's cheap.
    I still am testing positive, but I am feeling a lot better now. I slept most of today, that probably helped, even though sleeping during the day is usually a bad sign for me.
    I'm glad you're doing better! I hope the improvement continues! And sleeping during the day is what most people feel like doing when they're sick.
    My sister is taking the other concert ticket that my friend had to cancel on. I get to go to the show after all. Finding other people willing to see GWAR was difficult. They put on a unique show.
    I would’ve gone if I wasn’t 1000 or so miles away.
    I would've too. But we live on literal opposite sides of the country, unfortunately.
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