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  • Let us all take a break from news media for a couple of weeks and see how much better we feel after that.
    Tony Ramirez
    Tony Ramirez
    I never watch the news anymore mainly because people wear face masks.
    You'll feel a lot better, especially if you read it too much. But actively not reading it does mean adjusting your approach to social media, TV and other online places.
    Nah, I genuinely like following the news. It's a hobby for me and I don't really get upset following them, but it's probably a good idea to take a break if the news are affecting you.
    Listening to Pink Floyd on vinyl tonight.
    That's awesome. I'm glad they're still in print, too.
    Right now I'd like to be playing some of my Muggsy Spanier and Wingie Mannone 78s--Was listening to Queen on the radio the other day, though; I'd never heard them and that was kind of fun
    Send some healing energy to my bio dad today. He is a decent guy who just went through a very invasive spine surgery. He seems to be ok thanks to the morphine now. Still send him some healing energy.
    I am having a (insert favorite positive expletive emphasis here) blast during my vacation right now.
    I gained a few pounds during the first week of my vacation. My second week I plan on being more careful.
    At Climate Pledge Arena, about to watch Pet Shop Boys and New Order tonight.
    Hope you have fun!! I have always liked New Order.
    Side note, I also love that it's called Climate Pledge Arena.
    Wow. Right up my alley. Should be jamming show.
    It was a fabulous show, both bands killed it.
    I want biscuits and sausage gravy. Friend is still sleeping so it has to wait for now.
    Watched Final Destination 1-3. Oh boy. It really got gory. Anne Rice- Interview with Vampire last nite too.
    My friend is in the airport but she lost her wallet in the flight and is stranded at the airport and none of my other friends are answering the phone so nobody else can pick her up now. Damn.
    That’s good to know. The friends helping out part, that is.
    Omg, that's awful! :( If I wasn't on the other side of the country I definitely would've gone to pick her up. I lost my bag and my wallet on a train in New York once so I know how much that sucks.
    I hope her friends can get her home safely. Thank you for helping her.
    She is at my house now. Her cards have been cancelled. She can get her ID replaced. Bummer about no rental car now, but this is not the end of the world and we are blessed to both have great friends on our side.
    People on my family probably would fit into an Investigation Discovery special. They are deeply psychotic and incredibly creepy.
    Vacation starts in less than two hours from now. Two weeks of PTO and chilling with a good friend. Nothing wrong with that at all.
    I really wish decaf coffee had better flavor to it.
    So, what you do is put 2 or 3 spoonfulls of bakers cocoa in a mug and pour boiling water over it. Stir it in. Add milk and sugar, like you would in coffee, but not enough to make it a cocoa beverage. I promise it'll taste like coffee, with a hint of chocolate. So yummy.
    These are two things that don't cause me any concern: the flavor of coffee (any kind) and
    the flavor of diet pop. Even decaf coffee has too much caffeine for me to use and
    the sweeteners in diet pop give me the feeling of yetch in the throat and result in *cat
    puking a fur ball* behavior on my part.
    There could be some pollyana cutesy punch line here about how lucky I am to not
    be troubled by the concern with these matters (the flavors), but
    I can't think of one. :)
    A part of me is tempted to go to the minimart next to my office and buy a can of Monster. I may need the caffeine to keep me going for now.
    Working from home today, and waiting for the local Thai joint that is a couple of blocks away to open up. I am craving noodles.
    Craving THC and denying myself for my own good. I need to learn how to live without such things.
    If Florida legalized it, I would get the gummed on days l deal with home repair. I had a massive headache dealing with a piehole and went to bed early because he wasted my time.
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