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  • I wonder why they refer to such a negative thing as "COVID positive". Wouldn't the positive thing be to not have it? (I know I am overthinking things right now.)
    I would keep a window open now if it were not for (insert favorite expletive insult here) neighbors having an illegal burn pit in their backyard spreading smoke in the air. OK, maybe I am feeling unnecessarily negative right now.
    This week sucks. I hope next week is better.
    Me too!
    Hell, I'd toast to us both having a better week next time around. Now where did I put that bottle of Crystal champagne that I never was able to afford?.....
    I really am feeling the COVID now.
    I don´t wear mask anymore in the supermarket (noone does that currently here), but I wear it in train (there it is obligated), many people here don´t do. one woman sat in front of me and that riled me. it was hard to not say "could you PLEASE put your mask one?"

    mostly old people don´t vaccinate or put masks on and they are the one with the highest risk.
    I will look for the new 4th vaccination and when my medical doctor has it there, for making an appointment there. more protection? why not. I would take 10 vaccinations, if it would be useful. give me the stuff lol. and yeah, I hope that you get well soon.
    Just tested positive for COVID but showing no symptoms.
    Glad you are not having symptoms thus far hope things stay that way. Wishing you well for your recovery.
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    Recover well. 3 weeks ago tested positive after a scratchy throat, had the 5 day course of paxlovid, but after negative over 5 days had a rebound. Symptoms were mild, but I am up on my vaccinations.
    Sorry to hear you've joined the covid club. Stay well, fingers crossed~
    I went to the gym, then I took a nap, then I grilled a couple of burgers. I am less royally pissed off now.
    I bought two concert tickets a month ago for October, but the guy I was going to go with just now cancelled on me because something more interesting came up for him. People suck.
    I would go with you, when I could lol. sry for you that this "friend" did that to you. my opinion is that it was wrong what he did, because when you have an appointment, then you have an appointment and cancelling because of someone else, is just disrespectful.
    Is there anybody at work?
    Nobody else at my office would be interested in seeing Gwar.
    I am thinking I am now a genuine misanthrope. Forget getting drunk and destroying myself. I won't be a loser like most of the world's population.
    Getting drunk would be giving power to the losers who want to hold you under. Do you really want that outcome?
    Welcome to the club
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    My favorite misanthrope is Ambrose Bierce.

    I have his collected works, and on Holloween I would read a selection as our fire died down. For that holiday we used to camp at Indiana Dunes.
    Alcohol, my friend, I await our reunion after work tomorrow.
    Don't do it, man. It's not worth it. Don't let the evil win.
    when you had problems with it in the past, then I would not recommend it. I would not recommend it all. I drink sometimes something, but I never had problems with addiction or something like that and don´t tend to. my bias is more "I crave for it, drink it, recognize (again) that it tastes like dung, pour it away and stop drinking for several months until I do it again." lol.
    Would not recommend --
    The fallen God Emperor has no clothes, yet his worshippers are too proud to admit it so they still claim he is sharply dressed.
    Insomnia. What a night. Good thing I don’t have to go to work in several hours from now. Could somebody send me peaceful sleepy vibes, please?
    Sending you relaxing, peaceful and sleepy vibes like a calm ocean wave
    I think you forgot to pee after drinking your 4 liters of water. :tongueclosed:

    But really, I recommend watching painting videos on YouTube.
    Many years ago I used to watch this video every night. It's peaceful.

    Or another one was watching an old vet folding paper planes.

    "I'm headed your way! :D"
    I am tempted to raid my change jar to buy junk food. This is out of boredom. Rather post about that here than actually do it.
    I was looking through jazz music restaurants earlier, seems like a good plan someday. For now I gotta think about my budget.
    Let’s cheer up, people! As long as we keep breathing, there is hope. Take a walk outside. Make a good meal. Take care of yourself because you are your top priority.
    My soul is weak in the knees and bleeding from every limb out of the fickle apathy of life and society, and yet Aloe stays behind me, keeping me afloat...
    Cheers, mah man. ;)
    Listening to Nine Inch Nails The Downward Spiral - perhaps the single saddest album ever produced.
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