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  • I need more of a life outside of work and hanging at my house. The gym is a good start, I need more than that though.
    Volunteering, hands-on hobbies, religion, etc., worked for me.
    I still need an intervention from the PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE GET A LIFE Foundation.
    I plan on obtaining a gym membership by the end of this week, and then I plan on going to the gym every other day for a while.
    Watching Spiral, the latest Saw movie, and Chris Rock was a very poor choice for lead actor here.
    I heard it's really predictable and trope-y
    Had my first sober weekend in over a year. I feel not good, not bad, but out of place. Not really physically, but mentally.
    Having an arthritis attack in my left knee. I wish I had some ice in my freezer to put on it.
    Yeah, I eat a few bags of frozen veggies a week, since they don’t have the salt the canned veggies have. I always have those well stocked.
    For arthritic joint pain, this may work for you: Magnesium Oil Spray (I have used this on all types of sprains and joint hits) Ancient Minerals Magnesium Oil spray on Amazon
    PS Works good on the feet too... You know times like when your dog takes off and you run to catch it and forget you are 63 lol... ouch... works then! (My body/brain connection ignores my age lol)
    I just stocked up on some wicked ginger ale, so full of ginger it burns on the way down. Going for a sober weekend this time around.
    Sometimes I put ginger on popcorn. With or without cinnamon.
    I wish my neighbors would stop lighting fireworks in the middle of the night. The fourth was a couple of nights ago, people have to sleep.
    Seriously that’s out of order. Latest 10pm I think would be more bearable.
    90 degrees outside today, and it is really hot in my office this morning. I want to go to the corner store and buy an ice cold Dr Pepper.
    I had too much coffee today, now my brain is regretting it. I probably should switch to decaf after two cups of my usual dark roast.
    Making chicken soft tacos for dinner, XXX heat style, because this is the only masochism I engage in.
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