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  • I am craving peanut butter cups. But I don’t want to walk to the store this late at night.
    It can be dangerous if you life in a bad neighborhood, but I prefer going at night since there are usually less people.
    Caffeine is a gift of the Gods to us unworthy humans. Consuming Monster is a religious experience.
    It wd be a cursed demonic experience, for me. I'm allergic to caffeine.
    People have forgotten how to practice social distancing where I live. I don’t want to be near any creepy strangers.
    I want to teach myself how to make homemade butter chicken. Anybody here willing to be a guinea pig to try it when I make my first attempt?
    I am going to try to make my own sauce.
    "Butter chicken" is so different from what I thought. I supposed it was chicken cooked in butter......(but from the recipes I looked up, it isn't that at all.)
    12 days no booze. Feeling somewhat different now.
    Just remember cravings come in waves. No matter how strong one might feel, it will eventually wash over you.
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