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  • Having a root canal done in a couple of weeks from now. Lovely.
    That reminds me of getting circumcised
    I resent that I was circumcised at birth. Gratuitous mutilation for no real reason.
    Good luck!
    I want a toasted bagel, but my toaster just died and that is a grand tragedy.
    :( I can relate. When I first moved to my current house my toaster burned and I had to throw it away. Now I’m toaster-less but I have an air fryer and a George Foreman grill.
    I need a bottle of NyQuil. Ok, maybe not a whole bottle, but a shot at least. I have a cold keeping me awake.
    Lost power at my house several hours ago, I am freezing.
    @KagamineLen Is it any better yet? Or are you still cocooned in a sleeping bag or something?
    Power came back on five minutes ago. YaY!
    If you can get by without electricity, a passive back-up gas furnace would be the least expensive plan B. They have no blower, but will provide localized heat, like a fireplace.
    Lady Justice has been raped.
    ...And Justice For All by Metallica. James Hetfield was a VERY good lyrics author, and many of his songs remain as relevant today as they were in the 1980s.
    I thought you were talking about the nickname of a member of Autism Forums.
    Coffee is love. Coffee is life. Coffee is proof God loves us and wants us to be happy.
    I wonder what that would be like. Was disappointed (by the taste) when I got old enough to drink coffee. Had always smelled so good. Parents were devoted to the stuff. And then there's the fact that even decaffeinated coffee has too much caffeine in it, for me. I am allergic to caffeine.
    It didn’t taste good to me either when I was a kid. I had to get used to it.
    But I have chronic migraines and caffeine really helps!
    That stinks that you’re allergic to it :( But if you don’t like the taste of coffee then that probably works out well. Decaf tea can be really good.
    Do you like Dutch Bros. coffee? I like them even though the caffeine level can make me feel shaky.
    I want to buy the new Cradle of Filth album on vinyl, but it has to wait until my next payday.
    Binge watching James Bond movies today, due to the holiday and the bad weather outside.
    Do you have a favourite Bond? I always liked Timothy Dalton. Some of my childhood favourite films were old Bond movies.
    Dalton was Bond when I was 10, so he is my favorite.
    "Do you expect me to talk, Goldfinger?"

    "No Mr. Bond. I expect you to die!"
    Ready to start gaming for 24 hours (with a break here and there) for a children’s hospital. I have lots of coffee to keep me going.
    I wanna host a party. Could one of you come up with a cure for COVID so I can make that more realistically happen?
    Turns out you are supposed to go to the vet and steal dewormer pills for livestock, then call 911 on yourself for being a dumbass when the dewormer for horses makes you sick as hell. What you want to do is listen to some fascist nonsense on the radio, there is a bunch of it
    Meh, I would rather listen to The Cure than that nonsense. Friday I’m In Love.
    One of my friends is seeing The Eagles in concert tomorrow without me, and I am jelly cause he can afford that ticket and I can’t.
    Not a fan of The Eagles but I feel your pain wanting to see a band people you know are seeing and you can’t go.
    Yeah, I can’t afford $200 for the relatively cheap seats.
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