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  • Currently running a temp of 101.2F. I am hoping it is just because of my root canal yesterday.
    Feel better soon :(
    I'd suggest contacting your dentist if it occurred after having root canal.
    Feel better! And I agree about contacting the dentist.
    Two days in a row, UPS told me my package was out for delivery when they had no intention of delivering it. That should be illegal.
    It keeps happening to me too. There must be something wrong with their system… seems like Amazon has been a bit confused too. Must be left over from the holidays or something.
    UPS really should not tell me my package is out for delivery if they have no plans on actually delivering the package that day.
    Ugh I know right!! I have the same problem! >:(
    All my packages have been delayed too…
    Who wants to be a part of my real family? My blood family is toxic. I can’t change them. Real family is not blood sometimes.
    Friends are what make life worth living.
    Sometimes the family you choose is better. I know what it’s like to be surrounded by toxic people.
    Can you be my older cousin?
    Going to bed now for my first sleep in the new year. May this be a year of effortless advances and sloth full of effort.
    "Sloth full of effort", I don't really understand. Sloths make quite determined efforts. They move slowly, but they try hard.
    I want a cigar to smoke in 100 minutes from now. To Grace the new year with big style. Too bad the local smoke shops are now closed.
    Meh, does anybody want to watch a movie with me on an Internet based watch party for New Year’s Eve?
    I find it difficult to believe that my landlord would tell my mother I was at danger at being evicted because my sink was messy and not me.
    Because the sink was messy?? They’re overreacting… sinks are often messy
    How "messy" would it have to be to warrant eviction? Toadstools growing in it? Decomposing carcasses in it? People using it for a toilet??
    Sweet nicotine is something I am contemplating giving up. I love my cigars, after all.
    Fellow smoker here. I don't smoke cigars (can't afford it) but do smoke pipe-tobacco. It's much cheaper than cigars and may be a good way to get yourself to quit if you wanted to quit; for me it's easy to smoke perhaps once a month. If I have tobacco I may smoke every 2 to 3 days--but I don't keep it around, so I run out after a month or so & may go 6mos. between trips to the tobacco shop.
    Listening to Iron Maiden on vinyl currently, I am glad my house is quite soundproof as I can blast it without disturbing the neighbors.
    I feel like making Brussels sprouts on my grill. And maybe a steak to go with them.
    Omg! I’m so glad I’m not the only one who loves Brussels sprouts! :D
    I wish I had some peppermint ice cream, but none of the stores near me has any in stock, and that is very sad.
    That's a great idea, tree. Perhaps, you could add a couple drops of peppermint oil, in addition to the crushed candy canes. :-)
    When they do get it in stock, "Tillamook" out of Oregon makes what may be the best--
    There are very few flavors of “hard” ice cream that I like (as opposed to soft serve) but peppermint, pumpkin, and cookie dough are the big exceptions. And there’s only one ice cream shop I’ve ever found that has cantaloupe ice cream… Four C’s on Cape Cod. It’s the most amazing flavor ever. Cantaloupe ice cream probably sounds weird lol but it’s so good!
    Die Hard is the best Christmas movie ever made!
    I don't think you cease to exist if you query whether or not Die Hard is a Xmas film.
    It really doesn't matter is my point.
    It doesn't, but a lot of small talk is idiotic to the point of frustration. Like pineapple on pizza. It'd be nice if you could just slap someone across the face when they talk gibberish. Then again, that's always an option - but so is being charged with assault and serving a custodial sentance.
    I just scrubbed down my bathroom and kitchen. I need to be doing that every week.
    I try to do it every few days but I usually forget or get distracted. Lol
    it is really satisfying to wake up the next day & realize everything is clean
    I can’t wait until the holidays are over with.
    I totally agree.
    Oh yeah, I hate it too. A "holiday" that celebrates conspicuous consumption of cheap plastic junk that breaks or gets forgotten after a few months, that people use debt to pay for, and the debt lasts far longer than the stuff.
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