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  • I knew every light in the house would be on when the electric came back on because I kept trying to flip lights on every room I went into.
    A cat fell through my ceiling once. Must have been my dog's wish - she always loved chasing cats, just never knew what to do when it stopped
    Nervous Rex
    Nervous Rex
    Raining cats and dogs?
    Get scratched of course!
    Yes, I was surprised to see my dog and cat standing face to face once, neither of them moving. As I walked around I could see that the cat's claws were stuck in the dog's cheek.
    I never understood why many nurses would take a 2nd job to pay for something they don't have time to enjoy because they're working 2 jobs.
    Mailman just delivered a package so I had to doublecheck to see if it was Sunday.
    Yep, it can happen! Priority Mail Express and some Amazon packages are delivered on Sundays by the USPS. Just not UPS or Fed Ex.
    I've been fighting this one gnat for 3 days now. I'm not as fast as I used to be.
    Sounds like you need to contact your local SWAT team to solve that problem.
    Thought my sister was repeating me on the phone. 5 minutes later realized it was me - phone echo. LOL
    My mouse pad has 2 functions. Mouse pad + it's velvety so I find myself rubbing the texture - the more stressed I am the faster I rub.
    Just posted a blog - Out West. Let me know what you think. Wrote this in 2017.
    Could not figure out why I had 'stick on hooks' on my shopping list. Took 5 minutes to figure out I meant stick-on hooks.
    Going to Charlotte. Stressed - yes. But my grandsons birthday .I'm surprising him. His and his sisters excitement makes it all worth while.
    Definitely not intentional but my hair currently reminds me of David Cassidy during the Partridge Family years. lol
    I told my sister I had a new group of friends. Think she panicked at first thinking cult. lol
    That is funny Pats. ^‿^
    Oops. We're all out of kool-aid. Our bad. ;)
    Going to spend the day with my new little granddaughter. Ya'll have a good day.
    Have fun! I love babies...as long as they're somebody else's.
    I'm just the opposite - I only like my own. lol And grandkids are the best!
    I'm childfree and will stay that way. As I said, babies are cute in the grocery store for 5 sec, 4 am colic is not so cute.
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