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  • Well I don't know if it meets all the official requirements for status as "funny," but I sure liked it.(you don't know me I just noticed this at the bottom of my page)
    Cousin complained about neighbor on FB. I said my neighbors have the same problem. She didn't like it but I thought it was funny.
    Music posts tonight. I always preferred making my own tapes (or cd's) and might have 1 particular song a dozen times amongst other songs.
    I LOVE that song. That's one that I have had playing multiple times.
    Played with grandkids yesterday. hurt head to toe today.
    How come we didn't listen when they told us that getting old hurts?
    I always assume everyone I meet is smarter and more stable than me until/unless they prove me wrong.
    Congradulations, Pats. So you had Milly, now your waiting for Flo to arrive...how long has your daughter been in labor?

    just kiddin' ;)
    Hope Milly is more peaceful than Flo's gonna be, hard to tell at this point. lol
    You already know.

    "I was born in a cross-fire hurricane
    and I howled at my ma in the driving rain"

    LOL, good luck is all I can say ;)
    for someone who does not like to talk, I have a lot to communicate. Hope you don't get tired of me. :)
    I accept people as they are. As long as you’re a nice person, which I’m sure you are, then you’ll be loved back. Just be you and f the bullshifters. ;)
    I am in love but it's not a person, it's Wyoming, Utah, Montana.
    Spent time in each of those states. Summer in Provo-Orem, camping with Aunt and Uncle well in sight of the Grand Tetons, Jackson Hole when I was around 13 - wondering why all the cowboys wore baseball caps and drove pickups to work.
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