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  • Nothing better than those soft t shirts, but why do they even make those stiff scratchy ones??
    Why. once I start can I not stop watching videos of bear and/or moose and/or bison? 2 hours now - I gotta stop. lol
    Dreamed about swarm of insects eating people (like piranhas) and only way to keep them away was short hair and bangs. lol
    During the night - how did my alarm clock fall off my nightstand and land on the other side of the room?
    Going back to being busy. As clean as I had everything, I got a new desk and now have to re-do half the living room and clean up my mess.
    I need a cleaning expert because l am moving. I am trying to find happiness in moving clutter and downsizing piles. Lol
    You should watch the TV programmes tiny house nation and tiny homes
    Some of you already there - some will be there later tonight. But happy New Year to you all!
    People get mad if you call them the b word, but love bragging and calling themselves that. I don't get it.
    l taught my daughter all the swear words. l told her don't say these, but if kids are saying these words, then you know. She felt so empowered in 2nd grade.
    This makes me think of ethnic minorities that call themselves racial slurs but would be very offended if anyone else called them those things. I guess it's not an insult if someone says it about themselves. The same is likely true for your situation.
    This is one thing that still confuses me. Growing up, half of my pets have been b[-word]s and we got along just fine...!
    First time in years - having Thanksgiving with all my kids and grandkids. Happy turkey day!
    I have to go to new notebook before finishing the last pages of old one
    There is something about having notebooks that make me feel important.
    My DIL decided to quit drinking sodas and delighted that she hasn't bought any in months - but daily comes down and gets one from me. lol
    I don't know what DIL is, but a sympathize with trying to quit sodas. I still drink too many. I think the longest I've been without touching a glass of soda have been two or three weeks.
    I expect "DIL" means "Daughter In Law."
    Yes, daughter in law. Thing is, she hasn't stopped drinking them, she's just stopped buying them. ha ha ha
    I, Doc McStuffins, finally found a nose donor for my granddaughters favorite stuffed animal.
    Plastic? Pom pom? Actual amputation from another stuffed guy?
    A Goodwill Teddy Bear donated. :)
    I've got to remember to use the bathroom before getting in the vehicle with my 'never pass up a good deed opportunity' son. lol
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