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  • I accidentally cut my armpit while shaving that area. I wonder what else will go wrong this week?
    I'm sorry, that sounds extremely painful. Reading it made me cringe type painful
    c flat
    c flat
    Just don't shave and be a hair goblin
    Misty Avich
    I'm not so sure if I want to see Inside Out 2 this weekend after all, it will just make me cry just like any other Pixar movie.
    I'll watch it too. We can cry about it together.
    I actually decided not to go after all, too many things upsetting me at once.
    I have absolutely nothing to look forward to today.
    Not even later, end of the day, eating supper and going to bed?
    It's just that my old cat passed away on this day last year, and I am not 100% over it. People tell me to get over it, but I don't always feel that way.
    I'm sorry.
    I miss my orange fellow who has been gone 15 months.
    He used to snuggle under my sweat shirt or sweater.
    Also slept in my arms at night.

    Thinking of this makes my throat tight.
    He had a great purr.
    I wish the month of May would end tomorrow, too many bad memories happened that month (although in different years)
    Not looking forward to Tuesday. While volunteering at the animal shelter is something I like doing, there is also a good chance of severe weather around the same time. Too scared to call off due to it being short notice.
    Also, all meteorologists are fearmongerers, nothing more, nothing less.
    In case that they wouldn't be, best be there before the time specified. I got myself a whether station and being local sensor it sometimes doesn't show what other weather sources say. You can check with multiple sources to make sure.
    I feel emotionally sick to my stomach right now.
    Yes. The worst part: I actually know the person who sent the package, and I am scared they will think less of me if they find out I went behind their back and contacted USPS about the possibly-lost package. And since I can't cancel the request, I guess I am stuck with every consequence possible.
    Some days, I feel that every tragedy known to man is my fault, so I won't be surprised if I get the blame here too.
    Package arrived an hour ago. Was it worth it though? I highly doubt it. I feel like I have wasted everyone's time over nothing.
    My brother may or may not have gotten in a car accident near Parma. I really hope he's okay.
    Misty Avich
    Misty Avich
    Me too x
    He's okay. I misheard a conversation between my stepdad and our neighbor; said neighbor asked stepdad to pose as his dad because he was in a car accident earlier. My stepdad kept saying "my son", and I only have one male sibling, so I assumed it's my brother.
    So everything is okay now. I heard only parts of the conversation and assumed the worst. I swear, voices really do carry, especially in my small home. You know what they say about making assumptions...
    My stepdad makes me want to have meltdowns anymore. I can't freaking stand him. And I can't move out because I don't have enough money to do so yet!
    Not looking forward to today; very severe weather today where I live. I am so freaking scared right now!
    The weather guys were guessing total of 9 inches of snow for here, by tomorrow night,
    but they've cut back on the amount somewhat, spread it over the course of more days
    and nights, instead.
    I am getting severe thunderstorms and maybe a tornado here. I'm sorry, but weather this severe really upsets me. They are both loud and destructive.
    Generally this area has few tornadoes. Surprising exception was the summer's tornado in Gaylord,
    about 30 miles from here. Goodwill still isn't rebuilt from that.
    My cat Misty hates me once again.
    I doubt it. Even when I am calm, she still doesn't want to be around me today.
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    I'm sure she will hang out with you again soon, don't feel bad. Cats are cats, they are very independent. If my cats learned to open the catfood themselves, they would probably kick me out of the house. No need for me then. :)
    I wish l could have a cat. Not sure if a move is coming up or not. Like a two month lag right now in my life. Misty is a cute name. If you get a chance, it would be fun to see a picture.
    Thinking of not volunteering at the animal shelter this week, telling them I have a migraine. I just know this week won't go well.
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