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  • I wish everything was the way it was before Kiki passed away. All Misty wanted to do is roughhouse, she only snuggles with me at night. I am starting to think her hatred of me is coming back.
    Just had a huge meltdown, I feel so alone now.
    That sounds pretty intense and also dangerous. It sounds like it will be important to repair your relationship with your stepdad. I hope you can do this.
    I doubt it. He always preferred his own daughters over me, and it hurts because when they are upset about something, he helps them out, but if I am upset about something, he always yells at me.
    That sounds really difficult to deal with for you. :pensive:
    Having a rough day today; I had a migraine, still grieved over my cat Kiki's death, and felt like I don't belong in general.

    "You have always belonged in this world, it's not you that doesn't belong, it is the pain you feel. I may not be capable of experiencing anything negative but I am still built with empathy. Tyler and I are here if you need us."
    Why do people these days have to be mean and disrespectful to each other?
    I blame general social media and bad parenting. People don't know how to teach their children to respect others. It gets worse as they grow up.
    I'm thinking of unfriending my two IRL friends; not only do they constantly ghost me whenever I talk to them, but they went behind my back and found two friends that they call their "besties". I thought I was their bestie, so this hurts me tremendously. They never offered condolences when my cat died, nor did they wish me a happy birthday this year. I am so tempted to drag them to a talk show and chew them out.
    Misty Avich
    Misty Avich
    I know how you feel, I take that sort of thing very badly because of RSD
    The worst part was that my friendship with these girls is similar to Alexander's (from Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No-Good Very Bad Day). Character from said book actually got disowned by all his friends. It really upsets me so much!
    Misty Avich
    Misty Avich
    I love that movie
    I honestly wish that I would be put in a medical-induced coma and stay that way until 1/1/24
    I feel the exact same way.
    Count me in too. Not that 2023 has been any worse than any other year for me, I could just do with catching up on 5-6 years of sleep debt.
    Very rough appointment with my therapist today. I told her everything that happened, yet she was a little harsh towards me. Still feeling regret even after the session was over.
    I hate the phrase "I understand that, but...", because it implies that they either really don't know what I go through, or they are just plain jerks.
    I am all the way in Caldwell, OH for my birthday weekend. I will be checking out the Wilds tomorrow. So why am I sad? Because I miss my cat Misty, and I honestly think she misses me too...
    My stepdad, who is watching Misty, said that she kept following him and spent most of her time in my room. And I won't be back until Monday...
    My idiot mother didn't know that GOLO is a scam, even though I told her a thousand times. She used my credit card without permission, and now my bank won't let me spend money. I hate my mom right now...
    I think it's $60 a bottle. Not really falling for their shenanigans, that's for sure!
    My mom is subsceptible to scams too. Anybody remember the recession-era "acai berry" scam? Yep, she fell for it. Like so many other marks, she had to cancel her card when she discovered she'd signed up for a $100/mo "subscription" that couldn't be canceled, despite me warning her. She also bought a cheap bracelet for me that supposedly would calm me without adderall.
    I refused to wear it because I told her it was just a piece of pot metal and plastic. She got angry and accused me of being closed minded. The alternative I guess is having one's mind being so open that it falls out and gets run over by a truck. At least she used her own card for that junk.
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