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  • Happy birthday, cat queen! :cat:
    Thank you, but unfortunately, it wasn't a good one. My parents had to work, so I feel ignored.
    I'm sorry to hear. Hoping you'll get to spend some time with them when they have free time.

    Hey you, happy birthday. I am sure l would have dragged you out for something since we both shared bipolar husbands.
    I feel that bad things only happen to me; everyone else is making it up just to make me feel better!
    Um.. cancer, child abandonment, human trafficking, abuse, addiction, homelessness, psychosis, lynching, internment camps, toothaches, strokes, and on and on.

    In the midst of any storm, thank God for what you have, and tell yourself this "Could be worse". Count your blessings.
    I had a dietary relapse today; I ate a Buster Bar instead of something more nutritious, and all because I was upset over a stupid package not arriving on time.
    Set backs happen. I did diet and divorce at the same time it was brutal. You should allow yourself a treat once in awhile so that you don't feel like binging.
    I'm a little worried about my aunt, my uncle, my cousin, and her BF; they live in Tampa, FL, and with Hurricane Ian, I fear for their safety.
    No matter how much I cope with my feelings, I always end up crying like a 3 y/o girl...
    Sometimes that's how we cope with our feelings. The best way to work on this is prepare a safe space to cry & allow yourself to cry there. Then you can build up a more stable place to work from.
    I am excited about training at the animal shelter tonight. Looking forward to it!
    Don't forget to distribute hugs to the animals!
    Congrats on that. Excellent news. You really have changed so much, all for the good.
    It would be great if you could rehome your dad's loud bird.
    I really hope construction on my driveway ends soon, because it is giving me sensory issues. Also, our driveway didn't need fixing in the first place.
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