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  • I will have 5 bags for trash day. Oh, boy. Appearance of prosperity. Stuff I don't need. From out back.
    /blank/space filler/
    This made me think of Lao Tzu: "Cut doors and windows to make a room. Where the room isn't, there's room for you." Happy Monday.
    How do you "like" a comment to a status update? :)

    Some days, Tree, just filling space is enough.
    "The Elvish prince was so powerful and legendary that his first name alone contained over twenty apostrophes." (Awful Fantasy)
    Is there any truth to the rumor that elves are the forebears of Klingons? They seem awfully fond of punctuation, also.
    Dun choH 'e' tlhInganpu' Sov wIHutlh chochu'qang. vay' vIghel 'oH ghewmey rur chaH. (The Great Change that affected the Klingons is a mystery. They don't like to talk about it.)
    Later I changed the placeholder words to phrase of 5 syllables, whatever the word suggested to me. Still would welcome 5 & 7 word phrases.
    I tested it w/ 2 lists of 5 syllable words & the middle I made up. Spits the occasional 2 lines, instead of 3. Ghastly content; form OK.
    I have made a generator outline for doing it, thought 20 of each type wd be good; so need 20 5s, 20 7s. Have 20 other 5s already.
    Why not? That's how Homer did it. Current thinking is he had set pieces from even older literature and used it, which is how he could remember everything and keep it in form. Congrats, you are now a poet in the Greek Classic style! Here's your laurel wreath. :-)
    does anybody(plural) want to donate 5 & 7 syllable phrases, for a haiku generator I would make w/them?
    need descriptive sounding words?
    that would be better than, for instance, words about accounting or speadsheets...lol...Haiku = first line 5 syllables. 2nd, 7 syllables. I thought it wd be fun to run a gen with phrases, not all of which I made or found. 5 syllable words seem like they wd be fun, too
    I need both types. phrases of 5 syllables and 7 syllables. eeps do you mean you found 7 syllable words?
    A little shower urged me to toss collard, mustard, snow peas, sprouted cucumber seed, & 3 kinds of radishes into the dirt, this evening..
    I love radishes, I really like digging one up, giving it a wash and eating it straight from the ground, soooo good YUM
    I used seed for black ones, red, white, and white with red insides. Yum & the Spanish word 'muy' are mirror words. When you stick them next to each, YUM/MUY they don't spell yummy though. Too bad.
    maybe i should delete that....
    it was an instantaneous response to you being a gummi bear and to swimming. i used to be fair at swimming. i have no experience with real gummi bears.
    lol, I like that you think I am yummy. Why have you never tried gummy bears? they are indeed yum
    sugar. I don't eat sugar.
    I think it was a comma problem. It appears that I can get random variation now.
    People came this afternoon for 2 roosters. I think the timid egg snuggling one went with them + a white one. Hope it works out for them.
    The egg snuggling rooster was definitely one of the two I got for those people. He will have a better time among their young hens than mingling with all his brothers here.
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