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  • The hen that started setting first has hatched one chick. IDK if there will be more.
    trillium have been blooming for about 5 days. I want to post a picture & don't remember where to put it.
    In "post a picture of the nature around you"? (Random)
    Do you have any pic's of your aquarium Tree? Blind cave fish sound really, really cool!
    Past tense. Had. But they are neat. Pink fish with no eyes.
    Astyanax mexicanus
    Corydoras...the ones I had were sturdy long lived little guys. Blind cave fish are cool, too. Resilient & they never stare.
    Yes. That was the one. I accidentally found it yesterday, but thanks. Now I can find it here & I don't have to look in my notebook.
    Well put re votes for older posts! Not everything worth reading was written five minutes ago. Gratitude karma gives back.
    I posted 'Status Back Baby' by Mothers of Invention, but the link failed.
    I had never heard of cockroach girls before, very Kafkaesque lol
    I watched the first episode on youtube and it broke my heart.
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