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  • Wow. Family fighting 1st thing in the morning. Not surprised at all, this has desensitized me at this point; I don't become alert unless I hear something crash through the wall.
    Do you mean hear the sound of something crashing against the wall?

    Or do you mean objects making holes though the wall? @UberScout
    Not good. You sure go through a lot as young person. Not right at all.

    @Aspychata Yeah. And all my mother has to say about it is "that's life, nothing you can do about it". Don't get me wrong, she means well... but she's actually been through more than I have.
    up and down i go with my depression
    Wishing for more stability for you, I know it is an elusive thing, but it is not unattainable.
    You're a staff member now...?
    Yes, I’m going to join the mod team. I thought they would want Huxley, but apparently it’s for humans only.
    turn me on dead man, turn it off
    Is that a reference to the ancient "Paul is dead" thing, regarding
    the Beatles? Or what?
    Suicidal thoughts cleared after sleep.New alignment: Neutral Evil.

    I can no longer tolerate how toxic my family is. They only have negative things to say both to me and about me. They are never happy with me. My mother has successfully pushed me into evil.
    Critically suicidal
    There's no getting out of here, cartoonist. My mental stability does not matter in this house anymore.

    I *must* give my hand to the dark side. It is the only way to survive now.
    @Aspychata I wish I didn't have to be part of life so that my autism would stop making me constantly depressed and frustrated with never having money we need to get things we need or want. There's no variety anymore, everything's just monotonous and boring. And that's my life now. I almost killed myself yesterday morning but SOMEBODY stopped me.
    I hit deadends too in my life. People seem to let us down, and it hurts. It doesn't matter who, sometimes support disappears. Glad you decided to stay healthy.
    Oasis Activity:

    Aloe: "Violet... I hope you know what you're doing with Tyler."
    Violet: "Cousin, I got this. Don't worry about Ty."
    Me: "Violet... Can you teach me darkness?"
    Violet: "My dear, sweet child... that's what I do."
    Violet: "Show me what you've learned... furball..."
    (He cups his hands together, and instead of a normal, blue psi ball forming, it is instead reddish-purple.)
    Violet: "I've taught you well."
    Aloe: "Tyler... be careful with that...!!"
    Tyler: "Oh don't worry. I know what I'm doing, Aloe."
    (He grins wide. There are shark teeth where his human teeth used to be.)
    Me playing Alone in The Dark:

    *le me checking a closet for ammo & health kit*
    Game: lol ima turn the music off real quick
    Me: Boi if you don't g--
    *floor noises*
    Also me: *opens door*
    Zombie: yo I need directions
    Me: @@@@@@@###$#@!!!$!@@#%#!!@#@
    NOW I'm not allowed to do ANYTHING downstairs while they're sleeping. That's it. I'm going rogue.
    Are you able to get out of the house and do things on your own? Can you drive or take Ubers or public transportation somewhere?
    Realistically yes I am able to get out of the house, I have been this whole time, I just exaggerate when I'm upset (that's the *issues* I have with anger/stress/ptsd). I just don't have my own mode of transportation, plus I've got sciatica and my feet go numb + legs go stiff if I walk too long.

    But that's why God gave us Minecraft.
    I hate having mood swings.
    Me too. I hate crying for no reason.
    Stability feels so important and it gets really hard when we do not have that.
    Stability?! What's that?! I've only ever heard about that on TV!!!
    Night #x I was locked outside for arguing. AND threatened with violence for the millionth time. I HAVE HAD ENOUGH. THE NEXT TIME, *I'LL* BE THE FIRST TO STRIKE, and I'LL BE THE ONE MAKING MADDOG A BLOODY MESS, NOT ME.

    THEY WANT A "WILD ANIMAL"? THEY WANT A "THIEF"?! They've got one!! I'm sick, tired and EXHAUSTED trying to clear my name every damn day! I'm burnt on it!! If I'm do evil, then LET ME BE EVIL!!
    Guess what the latest new rule is? I'm not allowed to swear. 27 years old, of legal age to drive a car if I wanted to, legally old enough to breed horses if I wanted to. YET I AM NO LONGER PERMITTED TO USE LANGUAGE THAT MAKES UP 1% OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE SPOKEN BY %99.99 OF THE WORLD'S POPULATION, WHO MOST LIKELY WOULDN'T CARE ANYWAY. I AM GOING TO STAB THESE PEOPLE.
    @tree I just get yelled at and told not to do it like I'm not allowed to do literally everything else I've been allowed to for the better part of a DECADE

    @Luca If you were roommates with me in my house you'd go insane like I have too.
    I wish there was a simple way to get you out of that situation, UberScout. You don't deserve such an awful family.
    How often are you able to get out of your house and do things on your own?
    One day I'll figure out these ups and downs.
    Remember that they are temporary and any bad feelings they cause will go away. 72 hours, tops. Water, distraction, Aloe. Advil for the headaches.

    Bushcraft and fresh air could help.
    Actually i found the problem...

    I just had to visit the W.C.
    Hey, whatever works!
    It is official: I now have a phobia of possums.
    All possums or just some kinds? If you feel up to it try a search for Pygmy Possums and Ring Tailed Possums.
    The kind that sitter around under a bush next to your house and wait till you're looking for something you dropped outside to hiss at you from a tree branch.
    Wow. For once I actually got to do a full length wake n bake after getting up. My man stick brought me some Herb last night and it's.some of the best he's ever gotten me. Hehe.... Aloe's giggling at me...
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