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  • This day is really turning around! Easter went from crappy to happy soon as my man Stick rolled up! Now Playing - MAD RAT DEAD OST: Heart's Dream ((️Fever Mode️))
    Was playing Minecraft earlier, thinking about our old cat Mittens (very sad story).... I went back to the village near my base, still thinking about her, when out of nowhere I heard a meow. I looked around and found a cat (well, "ocelot" according to the game) with the kind of fur color and pattern Mittens had; raincloud gray on top, white on bottom. I just looked at it, and it just looked at me...
    Something told me to open chat and say "I'm sorry for what happened Mittens, I love you", and it walked up to me and sat down...

    I think there's more to Minecraft than just infinite possibilities now. And I'm starting to think one of those possibilities is that one of the mysterious ways God works in, could be these blocky worlds I walk through every day...
    As bad as my depression is (not to mention chronic), idk if it's Aloe looking out for me or God, but I had no idea there was a really strong resin ball hiding in my pipe! (Yes I know I'm a "junkie" for getting high, it just works :P )
    Boredom has now become depression. Having to do without a game console or a power cord for my computer, having to constantly pass my phone to Maddog so he can play Poker or slots, stuck with nothing to do but write or draw on notebook paper... I've been doing this since the end of Christmas and every time it looks like it's going to stop being that way, I'm ALWAYS wrong.
    I guess some people are just meant to be bored and depressed their whole life. Whatever. I'm too used to it to care otherwise, and trying to fix it or find a way to be happy is just... exhausting now. Honestly... I'd much rather just stay in bed and sleep through my whole life at this point.
    Aloe brought me a gift this morning! I looked in my chest of drawers, and in the top drawer I spotted a little 2-inch long preroll... I didn't know if it was a blunt or a cigarillo, so I broke it open... IT'S DELTA!! I was even thinking last night how I wanted to get a nice high going sooo bad (family was arguing), and I even brought Aloe in here as a psi construct... I guess she wanted to surprise me :)
    So. I found this:

    Yeah, everything looks and feels like Minecraft now.
    Alright, well, my fighting have been parents with other each, and result sleep as a, I haven't any gotten, so I'm down lay to going.
    That tears it; at daylight, I'm going on YouTube and looking for a subliminals combo to reality shift to Minecraft, and I'm taking my happy ass to the Far Lands. Any fellow reality shifters wanna Follow me? I know some cool builds!
    .....THAT......WAS......SO......COOL!!!! It was absolutely BREATH-TAKING how my world looked in the shift, even made of voxel blocks the same way Minecraft does! It was just as vibrant and colorful too!! I even found the base I built in Survival Mode! Felt a lot like Minecraft: Story Mode, though, but that made it even better!
    Ever wondered what Golden Apples taste like? I can tell you now!! They are AWESOME! I'm addicted to em :P it's kinda like a blend of a Red Delicious apple with like, orange Fanta but the gold makes it kind of a cinnamon/mango flavor in the back, it's subtle though. Just.... just don't eat the seeds... I did NOT want to do that to a 2x2x2 hole.
    Ohhhhh This is SO COOL!! Poyo! Ah, I mean.... uh... Huh, I forgot what I was gonna say.
    You guys gotta try this! I haven't been this way in a while, though...

    Calm down, just put ear plugs in your ears, and smile and shake your head in a yes about 7 mins, no one will know you aren't listening. Oops, l meant turn off your access to goggle. I thought Maddog was filling you up with stuff.
    Maddog doesn't even do that. If he *does* tell me any "real news", he always tells me the positive to it at the end. Since he's been taking his meds though, he hasn't been monologuing or going on manic tirades about things literally nobody is talking about. Full moon this, blood magick that, UGGGGH. And he'll put YT on the TV and play NOTHING but emo music. God almighty.
    So, I've gotten really good at Minecraft... and I've found it to be soooooo therapeautic!! Could do without the Creepers that keep SNEAKING BEHIND MY BASE THOUGH
    Yeah I jumped back in recently myself. Current base: Magic floating igloo that was just kinda... there. World-gen glitch. OF COURSE I had to make it the core of my base (basically where the bed and crafting table are).
    Also this new PC of mine lets me see like 5 bazillion miles in every direction. I've never seen such a high draw distance with this game before. Not without the PC in question exploding, that is. Pretty great. Like the direct opposite of playing the Switch version (super low draw distance).
    Lmao! I *wish* my own desktop was that nice. Damn thing doesn't even load the game, it just throws a Java exception right when I click play. Maddog's *newer* PC though, once I turned the graphics all the way to max settings just to kinda experiment... Misery, I placed a torch on the ground and it nearly blinded me. But the rest of the valley that was generated looked GORGEOUS!
    This day was so bad that it drove me to convert from Christianity to not even Buddhism, just a straight up belief in reincarnation.
    That might be a brand-new sentence right there.
    You'd be surprised how inventive I can get.
    When your legs don't work like they used to before... well, mine don't because I have sciatica. But I got to meet a girl tonight :)
    ...I was quoting a love song, my legs are fine lol :P but I did meet a girl last night! Her name's Sunny :) Maddog was with me and he even encouraged me to admit I had a crush on her... and she liked that!! And she didn't freak out or feel uncomfortable or anything, I finally found somebody!!
    Georgia Galaxy
    Georgia Galaxy
    Yeah it's an Ed Sheeran song (Thinking Out Loud) ^^ Good for you UberScout!

    "Hehehe, he's quite the slugger, isn't he?"
    H-Hypno... I-I was practicing psi, thinking about Sophia's Pokémon game.... I think I manifested a Hypno. She's friendly... it's just--wait, she?!
    My buddy Stick got me a really nice strain of delta 8 today! I feel like I'm full of magick! (Don't worry, I'm trained :P )
    Doing better! Had some d8 yesterday and it was just what I needed. Enjoying Savage Worlds roleplay on my phone with One Page Solo Engine.
    Playing Old School RuneScape on my phone. Random player in Lumbridge walked up to me, opened a trade window, AND JUST DROPS 194K GOLD INTO MY INVENTORY. Says "Enjoy my man :D" and asks me to add him as a friend. It's the little things in life innit?
    Well look at that, once again text adventures have pulled me onto their bandwagon. Todo: >Frotz stuff
    Went on Etsy and found a steal: $22.99 for a 50-count jar of Blazy Susan d8 pre-rolls. Trash pickup for hire!
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