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  • Whole family has not stopped fighting since the end of January. Sanity destroyed. Thinking about looking for a suicide cult to join.
    What happen? I thought MadDog sobered up and was on new meds?
    He's sober, definitely. Meds are good too. We think he's going through a midlife crisis, but... heh.
    Okay. Just as long as you feel safe.
    night bad mom Charles angry shout fight faith in world destroyed charles manic won't stop crazy want sleep for years
    ..........You guys are gonna think I'm a mental patient for this.... but considering how much I've seen that's turned out to be real indeed, I might as well try it out!!
    My mother asked me to cast a magick spell to help her relationship with Charles, and for the first time in years, Sophia actually joined me and helped me cast it...

    Within mere SECONDS of casting, my mother was practically running to me with news that it worked!! She's a believer now!
    "Indeed the overdose is a deadly, serpentine foe, and yet as quickly as its Venom kills, still too is it hoisted skyward by the petard laid by the power of strategy; a man who thinks twice will build his house with an awning overhead, a man who thinks but once will build his house never knowing it hangs over the edge of a cliff."
    Ah, heh... so, lately I've had... something... on my mind -- let"s just say it's about a certain, uh, *human need* that's been pestering me as of late -- but more importantly I've found myself thinking about how it started for me... because some strange tiny thing is telling me that it runs in my family. I'll post a thread about it in a minute after I get some rest.
    Roblox Guest, running at Mach 2 speed in and out of two tunnels intermittently: --ATE BREAKFAst thi-.....affLES AND PANCa-.... aAD TOO MUCH MAPle syr--
    Now that I've learned a good part of ninjutsu, it's time to turn my attention in self-building to the more mental side of my "character build" so to speak: I've decided to start developing omnikinesis. Don't worry; positive powers only!
    Aloe: Last seen taking me to the Hidden Scale Forest to teach me how to use omnikinesis responsibly
    “With great power comes great responsibility.”

    "She's right, Ty. Be careful with your gift. It's a very powerful thing indeed."
    My friend Stick and his own band of merry men sent me written word last night that I am soon to receive a gift they have arranged for me! I couldn't get it yesterday because I got the letter late at night. I wonder what it is?
    Maddog gave me a special delta 9/10 pen for my birthday! Ninjutsu training is moving fast with everything I got so far :)
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