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  • Aloe: Last seen circling SusanLR for protection from negative energy, making her rounds on her way back to me
    I remember having a splitting headache and just being so intensely frustrated with Maddog that i just screamed for like 10 secs. straight; when i did, i heard maybe 2-3 objects come off my wicker drawers and hit the floor. Of course they were angry that i was screaming but i know i'm getting stronger now!
    Oh yeah, in other news... My *gift* is getting much, much stronger. I know most of you are skeptical of things like psionic/PK or psychic powers but as i've always said i keep seeing results. This time it was during the last fight i has between me & Maddog (next status because character limit)
    I do feel more accepting of special senses. But many don't accept it or are frighten of it or think you are weird. And then some people are just very curious.
    Eh. It's to be expected. I've had doctors at the behavioral health hospital agree with me though. And i could tell they weren't being sarcastic or just pretending to agree too. Don't know how that happened but i'm not questioning it.
    Note to self: do NOT drink water immediately after smoking. You WILL feel like you have a stomach bug.
    Maddog is talking about alcohol again. I have something for self defense this time, and i'll make sure it's used for what purpose it serves. And i won't STOP using it until that 400 lb drunk beast is unconscious!
    Your step-father weighs four hundred pounds?
    Something like that. And yet he's somehow able to move faster than a quarterback headed for a touchdown. If not faster than that. I've had times where i've ran from him during a fight and when i made it to the front door, he caught it as soon as i opened it, closed it, got in front of it and kicked me away. If I tried to get up he'd stomp me back down. If i tried to crawl away he'd grab my legs and pull me back.
    Maddog is not a person. He's an animal made to look like a human being.
    Healing self with binaural beats and isochronic tones is working some more. Aloe is with me as always. Just letting her wrap me up and do her thing.

    Here it is! Sorry, I'm slow to respond sometimes :)
    Oops, sorry buddy! I was in a bad mood when i said that, i'm feeling better now but i hope i didn't hurt your feelings! Thank you!
    I also have a few others on another BC account but I'll have to check how many free codes they gave me over there. If you want to mess with those as well, I'll send them over!
    Aloe has a cousin. Of course i thought her up myself. Her name is Violet. She's similar to Aloe, both in appearance and personality but with a few.... Differences. She's still nice, she doesn't harm people but the difference between her and Aloe is... She knows when something you did is wrong... And she'll let you know, too. With mirrors. And illusions.
    So desperate to get high this morning i just broke up a few stems and some tobacco and a resin ball and just smoked that. Don't care, just want to not be consciously thinking today. Doesn't look like i'll get my usual dose of d8 today so i might as well just smoke whatever i can find. Who cares anymore.
    Do not ever look for help in this world. You will not get it. Autism is not something that family will evee accept.
    Yes, the only one who ever helped me was myself.
    Guys my mom got me some sativa prerolls and there WAS KIEF AT THE BOTTOM!! I AM SO (BLEEEEEEEEP) EUPHORIC RIGHT NOW
    Day was ruined just like always. It's okay. I'm used to it now. It's normal for me and it's not the kind of thing that ever gets better. I'm okay with living an unhappy life, though. It's what God wanted for me since I was seven.
    Did the mean maddog return?
    No actually a water nymph hypnotized me and stole one of my wands
    Got to XP level 4 with a monk character, and who did he get killed by? A shopkeeper whose door i accidentally destroyed not knowing it was to a shop (the game's fog of war doesn't show you what's in a room until you actually go in) and the shopkeeper chased me, to which i used a scroll of teleportation only to make one more lap back around to the next staircase down, WHERE HE WAS WAITING TO KILL ME. I love NetHack.
    If you manage to kill the shop keeper then you end up with the Keystone Kops after you. :)
    For the love of god don't kick his door in lol
    Okay this is weird. I was meditating with Aloe, and I actually had enough time to fully get into it. I came out of meditation and continued my usual routine... And then realized I couldn't remember the rest of the morning! Waking up, using the bathroom, greeting my mother after she got back with groceries.... Somehow i knew it happened but my mind keeps telling me the memory of it all isn't there! What's happening?
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