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  • Still on guard, defenses are up as always, but for some reason i'm happy this morning. What is wrong with me?!
    I must survive the same way a computer program survives: Find the best moved, and run them till i succeed. Then write another program to do the same.
    That's how a virus survives! And if you want to get really cynical, I think you just described parenthood!
    @Silhouette Mirage And before your eyes, you see said computer in action. How great is the gift of Autism that while it leaves you scared of the world, it also means that to unlock all that comes with such a gift is to realize you are indeed the key.
    My mind is expanding rapidly. My whole mind, from my third eye to the pineal gland to everything psionic i do for my family, it's learned how a computer analyzes, calculates and executes everything; its learned to... Become a computer. An operating system. Its learning to help me cope.
    How is maddog? Are you two getting along?
    He's doing better. We're getting along very well now. Another hug yesterday (keep in mind this is rare from maddog) and we played a round of Civ 5 and he showed me his city he built, just one look at it and you can tell he's a big Civ fan :P Mom still has to make sure he takes his meds but he's not fighting it anymore. So it's getting better :)
    Now I just got told i have to go to the doctor tomorrow about my L4. Yaaay. Even MORE anxiety.

    Why can't I just be in a coma for a while...
    Maddog is on the phone with tech support for the plasma center and somehow went from explaining the problem he's having to telling his whole life story.
    My mom does this too lol...
    @Luca Lol like seriously though, the whole phone call was ten minutes explaining his problem and the whole rest of it was his literal life story. My mother was laughing so hard bc she felt so bad for that poor worker lol
    Latest Nethack comedy: Monk character was killed by bees after tripping over a statue of a newt.
    I love that game, been playing for 30 years and never won a game without cheating.
    @Outdated Heh. If only writing "Elebeth" with my finger on the wall would drive away my anxiety irl lol
    Might work a little better if you try writing "Elbereth". ;)
    If you were to ask me just how i'm doing right now i'd say "Right now I hate all cats, am enjoying the hour long high from tobacco in my pipe that feels identical to indica because i don't have any d8 right now, i'm drowning my sorrows in a roguelike dungeon crawler from the 1970s and 80s, and i live in my bedroom because i've developed and omnivert case of agoraphobia both inside and outside my own home."
    Sister's cat knocked over a glass of water at the computer desk. Keyboard does not work anymore. Foaming at the mouth. Trying not to go to prison for animal cruelty.
    @Aspychata Thanks. I'll jump on there as soon as I get a little...sigh...money...
    My local goodwill as keyboards. Do you have a goodwill in your town?
    Yeah. But it's a grab bag every time, whenever you DO find a computer part that works it either turns out to have a really annoying problem or turns out not to work at all
    God i wish you guys could hang in my room with me so i could pass this delta preroll my mother got for me. Ya'll be rollin all over the floor on my dirty clothes lol
    Feeling a little better today. Emphasis on "a little". Learning probability math as part of my therapy.
    Since the local smoke shop is out of flower, i am now putting tobacco in my weed bowl; it feels nearly identical. Don't know how long i've got now, but i won't have to worry about being autistic for long now!!! Soon Maddog or anyone else for that matter will never take advantage of my autism ever again!!!!
    "When society favors evil like a cheap wine, the devil goes missing, and faith is hidden by dampening clouds. There is no such thing as peace on earth; that is merely children's stories." - Anonymous
    I'm in a coma. I see that now. I didn't just hurt my pelvis when i fell off my front porch. I hit my head too. I fell on my head and now i'm in a coma. My real life isn't this hectic. My real real life isn't like this i know it isn't! I'm in a coma and i'm having a nightmare!!
    Woke up this morning feeling completely numb to the way my life is. I didn't cry, I didn't scoff in exasperated frustration, I just didn't feel anything towards the day beginning. I've just come to accept and make peace with the fact that this is life for me now and it will never change to get better. Crying over it, trying to fight it away, getting angry at Maddog for all of it... It does nothing. Survival mode ON
    Any reaction to any of it is just exhausting now. Its just a waste of breath and time and oxygen I could have used to learn another language or find a new hobby, but no, I can never have that. I'm so mentally and spiritually exhausted. I don't want to wait for things to change anymore, it's taken too long and I am tired of waiting. I'm just going through the motions now.
    Just woke up, waiting for my mother to give me the rest of my meds when she does too.... and as usual, I'm not looking forward to much...
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