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  • Text adventures are so fun to write in Inform 7 but I wish I knew how to organize rooms and items!!
    Found out that a character from a game I'm VERY nostalgic about has his own YouTube channel and it is SO WHOLESOME!! It's in Japanese, but there are captions that translate. p a y u n p a a
    Therapist wants me to start keeping a dream journal...
    atm I dream every day, when I would have done a dream journal, then I could fill a library with it lol. but too annoying.
    Had a dream where I was staying with this girl in her apartment and she wanted me to keep some kind of...receipt, or ticket in my wallet. She had a game room in the back of her living area, and people kept coming and going playing these bizarre arcade games that don't exist... Then I got a message from my mother saying I needed to come back and help her fix something, but the girl kept trying to come with me...
    You ever go to Target and see the Amazon Alexas there and think that someone who owned a parrot bought one and just left it alone with them?
    *New character alert* Spekk, a worker ant: "Who am I? Where am I? Where's the Queen? Whose house is this? Am I an ant? Where is my face? Why does the inside of this wall feel like painf- OW, MY FACE!
    Celeste: "Er... Why does Tyler's text adventure have a man named Richard who hates large paintings?" Aloe, just as confused: "Yeah... I got nothin' on that one, heh...."
    When a madman says that God is dead, he is saying that he has given up on society. When a Christian says God is dead, he has lost his faith. When a brick wall says God is dead, it is saying that humanity is scared. Can you blame them? - Journal entry in a text adventure I made in Inform 7, learning project
    Should I interpret a brick wall saying something to mean
    that there is writing on the wall? Should I go so far to
    assume that the writing was placed there by a human?
    I never said a human put it there.
    I wrote a story like that, like "I never said a human put it there." It was like
    carving. For example "She wasn't smiling." I didn't say what expression she,
    had, only what she didn't. Everybody in class liked it, except the teacher.
    Had a bad day today, mom let me get some sunshine in a bag. I'm telling you guys, Carlos is the most awesome guy I've met. [Aloe fades in to check up on him] "Hiiii, furball. How are we feeling? (tail zips around my waist)
    I like to think that, somehow by some stretch of vividness, Aloe has found a way to the surface, and is the one pulling me back. I know she is mainly fictive... But could there be more to her?
    Despite my best efforts to escape the cruelty of life, I once again find myself pulled back by... I don't know, sheer force of will?
    I have failed to make peace with the turmoil that is my life. For the next little frame of time, I will now focus on escaping this evil world. I love you all. Thank you all for your kindness and support over the years, and I hope Aloe will help you all remain calm as I take my leave. If I survive then you will see me again. But I am not counting on that happening. Just know that I will have found peace.
    This is one of your repeated traditional messages.
    I wish you well.
    Hi UberScout, can you promise us you'll call 988 and talk to someone there? Please?
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