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  • 3 in the AM, Maddog was drinking again but this time, believe it or not he actually didn't act crazy this time!
    I am exhausted on both a physical and mental level. I am being worked down to the bone. I am now convinced that God does hate me.
    Slim Jim
    Slim Jim
    Maybe just sternly displeased. I was with you till the last part. Divine vendetta....uh uh.
    If anything, i think thanks to God i am living a good life and being protected from worse stuff
    Slim Jim
    Slim Jim
    Yeah. No matter how bad you think you have it. Always someone worse off. Or maybe a lot of people ...who have it harder than you.
    Today's psionic studies allowed me to learn: Countering, attraction
    I looked up those two words (countering, attraction) in relation to the word 'psionic'....All I found was stuff about video/roleplaying games. I must not know where to look.
    I like to simplify the categories of psi that I learn. Helps me remember.
    Got a nice gift from my buddies at Holistic Edge today. A nice little d8 vape pen and some Delta 8 drops.
    Don't do too long. I think vaping can be bad for the young. But l know you need a break and enjoyment.
    @Aspychata Don't you worry, old friend, I still breathe!
    Another horrible night last night. I'm now convinced that this is my life. I wish I was never born.
    What can you do differently that could affect the situation positively?
    I am afraid to ask. Can you get something for the backyard to get away from maddog?
    I understand now. The universe wants me to relax and retreat within to continue working on myself. Entering sleep mode....
    I feel like the universe is telling me now is the time to chill out and stay relaxed for a while. I've got just the thing for that.
    Blooftube did a nice Pokemon themed hypno file. I made friends with a Hypno tonight :P
    Slim Jim
    Slim Jim
    Wonder If Ash did misty? I stopped watching the show in about circa 2001...

    Pokemon.Gotta catch em all...

    Yeah, I can still name some of them, the original 150, hold a special place in my heart. Or brain. Most likely brain.
    Yeah uhm... They like snacks.
    I'm in trance right now. I can still talk though
    A trance? what sort of trance? What are you experiencing friend?
    Don't worry, it's nothing harmful. You see, my therapist likes me to listen to hypnosis tracks to treat my autism as part of my therapy, she does her own sometimes during our appointments
    And there is this youtube channel where this girl records hypnotic inductions that puts you in some kind of relaxing situation. When you wake up from it it is very refreshing!
    I ain't happy, i'm feelin glad i got sunshine, in a bag i'm useless, but in a bag, the future, is in a bag
    I looked that up. You were maybe in first grade when that was released. I never heard of it....What do you suppose it's about?
    I always liked that song.
    I....have to....keep...charging...my shield...
    Cheerwine is a chemical?
    Slim Jim
    Slim Jim
    I'm calm and relaxed right now. But at times I have been anything but... messing with your brain chemistry can send you down some very dark places. You've got to be careful what you take into your body. So many have self-destructed, physically and mentally.

    Everything is chemical. The very air you breath could be polluted with chemicals.
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